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Thread: What gives Jessica James ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default What gives Jessica James ?

    You advertise on 2 different sites & have different rates on both.
    IIE people are expected to pay 150 / 250 & we lucky EI punters only 100 / 200 ?????

    An oversight I'm sure, which will be amended forthwith ?

    Jessica James, Dublin Female Independent Escort, profile on Escort Ireland

    *removed by patricia*
    "I don't want to go to heaven. None of my friends are there."
    Oscar Wilde

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Blog Entries


    She uses the same number on both, so there is no way for her to tell where the call is coming from, so there must be one price. there is two possible explanation. they didn't change her prices over on iie yet, or she just thinks it's easier to tell it on the phone.
    Dublin tbc , Belfast tbc, Cork tbc

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Or else ............

    she might get an IIE punter coming along, volunteering €150 or €250 & taking it without saying anymore about it ? Can't blame her if she does really, whatever the market will bear & all that.
    I have heard of escorts who look for different rates on different sites but Kat knows that they have 2 different phones, indicating how much they can charge by where the punter's been looking. What's that all about ?
    Is it because they think IIE get a better level of punter ? I've heard that said by an escort before. We're more down-to-earth here obviously.
    We may be in the gitter but we're looking at the stars girls !
    "I don't want to go to heaven. None of my friends are there."
    Oscar Wilde

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Nads,on that yellow shit most punters the established ones alike expect everything for nothing,and makes u feel u owe them just cos they re established,and then stir shit about u behind ure back......
    It happened while ago i had access to punters hidden forum,so i red it all....

    Than i started to choose who s the knobhead and whose not........

    Few refused ones still holding grudge...............eejits.....

    Here guys are more like............

    They want to meet,they come,they do,they go............

    At least i ve never felt like i owed anyone,i never felt like i owe someone for a good review,or that i am expected to please someone extra special for reviews or whatever..........

    Here s fun+business

    There s obligations from nowhere just because established shit and other stuff..........
    I m still lurking sometimes ;-)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I would think what's said in the E-I profile is what she charges. It's probably IIE that didn't update her profile.
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