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Thread: E-I Interview with Violette

  1. #141


    Quote Originally Posted by Stewie View Post
    Again as I told you before you can call him my sister if you want but we all know what you mean

    what about calling tim nicegirlsarenice but dim's sister

    Last edited by twentyseven; 11-05-09 at 00:01.

  2. #142
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by twentyseven View Post
    what about calling tim nicegirlsarenice dim's sister

    She has a hairyer arse then cals brother

  3. #143
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by big daddy 69 View Post
    She has a hairyer arse then cals brother
    In fairness she had it in plaits the last day it was very nice still smelt of shit though.
    Its the Crips and the Bloods all over again

  4. #144


    Quote Originally Posted by Stewie View Post
    In fairness she had it in plaits the last day it was very nice still smelt of shit though.

    like her brother and mother sooooooooo


  5. #145
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by twentyseven View Post
    like her brother and mother sooooooooo

    & thats just there mouths thers clingons the size of grapefruits hangin out ther arses

  6. #146
    Join Date
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    Smile Back on track...

    Hello to all and welcome to the E-I Interview. This week we have Violette giving us some insight into her escort work.

    Q1. So from the Beginning, why did you start working as an Escort?
    I love sex, money and travel, and this was the one job that combined all of these elements. Plus, I am not suited to the 9 to 5 routine.

    Q2. You tour as an independent but have you ever worked for an agency?
    Oh yes in the very beginning, not in Ireland, but in Holland. But that was years ago, I would work independently and with the Agency at the same time. I was always busy, because when one phone was dead, the other was ringing.

    Q3. How many countries have you escorted in?
    Holland, Ireland, Hong Kong, Dubai, Singapore, Sweden, UK, France, Greece, Thailand

    Q4. In which country did you have the best Escort experience and what happened?
    Thailand and Greece are fighting for first place honors. I was invited to holiday with a couple of gentlemen (separate occasions), and one was to Crete(August 2008), and the other was to Bangkok, and Chang Mai(January 2009). Well let’s just say, there are thankfully some people who are not affected by the economic crisis! No expense was spared at all!

    Q5. How do you deal with a nervous first time client?
    I try to get them to laugh, by making little jokes.

    Q6. Were you ever forced to work as an Escort?
    Oh good grief, no. I was always fascinated, so when the chance came to try it out I went with in with both eyes wide open.

    Q7. Did you ever accidentally open the door in escort apparel thinking it was the client but it turned out to be a Jehovah’s Witness?
    No, but the next time some come knocking I will get dressed for the occasion.

    Q8. So what’s the funniest experience you’ve had with a client?
    This was in Ireland, I am chuckling now a I think about it. It has to do with a certain gentlemen in Cork telling me about a mishap at his work, and how it was resolved. This had me and him in hysterics.

    Q9. Do you ever wake up in the morning while on tour and have a lie in instead?
    Oh absolutely not. When in Ireland I am here for work, so I put myself into a particular frame of mind, when I return home, that is when I will have a lie in or two.

    Q10. You specialize as a dominatrix so are you living out your own sexual fantasies as a result?
    I mean seriously what woman doesn’t get off on dominating and controlling a man? So of course it is playing right into my sexual fantasies.

    Q11. Which is your favorite sexual position?

    Q12. Do you think any of the clients you met had it in them to be male escorts?
    Yes, oh I think some of them would be quite suited for the task.

    Q13. Your tall at six feet and so a lot of your clients will be shorter. Does this affect the quality of sex you get?
    As long as they can reach and know what they are doing, the only size that counts is what is between the legs, not he length of his inseam.

    Q14. Are you friends with many other escorts or do you find it a bitchy business?
    I have loads of escorts who are also friends. Or is it loads of friends who are also escorts? But yes it can be a bitchy business, but at the end of the day, if we as a group don’t stick together, then we will have problems.

    Q15. Have you ever been recognized as an escort when you are off duty?
    No, most people think I am a normal business woman.

    Q16. Have you ever had dealings with the Gardai?
    Yes, thankfully only once. That was enough for me.

    Q17. Do you ever explore the city you are in or explore the surrounding area?
    Oh yes, I love checking out the surrounding, I will often take my camera, go for walks, and visit local historic sites.

    Q18. What’s your favorite chill out activity?
    The café scene. I love hanging out in them in different countries. We really don’t have a café scene in the US, not like they do here, so it took some time to get use to the idea of just chillin’ in one. But once I got the idea, well it was a love affair.

    Q19. If you could change any part of E-I what would it be to make it better for your requirements?
    Dear god, why don’t you just start another interview for this subject! Yikes, what would I change…..let’s see. I would allow total control of the updating system in the hands of the ladies. You still have to contact the staff for some changes, and I can still tell you that that is not a fool proof system. I would have the payment system automated, when you pay, you will have instant access to account, without yet again having to send another email, which gets lost in the hundreds of emails to yet again another over worked staff member, to tell them you have paid. I mean if the system can check my payment details and tell me it has gone through, then it can also give access to my account.

    Q20. If your daughter/son decided to become an Escort would you support them?
    It would depend on the age of the child. If they wanted to start when they were quite young, say 18 or so, I would do everything in my power to stop them. Because, you need to have some life experience under your belt to be able to handle this work. You are dealing with too many different people, who come with a multitude of issues, some small and some really fucked up, and unless you have a STRONG sense of self and some serious grounding in reality, it will wreck your head.

    Q21. So what’s Violette’s retirement plan if any?
    I am giving myself whole-heartedly to Escorting for the next three years, then we will see what I do next.

    Q22. Finally what three words best describe the Violette experience?
    Only three words!? Hot, Horny, WOW!

    Violette will be on tour in Ireland on the 9th - 31st May.
    Violette's profile; Violette, Cork Female Independent Escort, profile on Escort Ireland
    Escort of the Month and E-I Interview Blogs;

  7. #147
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    You guys are so cool. If you're not e-pimping girls on the internet ye're talking shit about people's families... on the internet. Lots of luck with your e-money, or e-ass-scratches, e-punting etc. Regular gangsters you are.

  8. #148
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


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