Very important warning for all punters and I suppose escorts too. I would strongly urge the website to remove and block Maja (Czech. 22 yrs old) from offering her services which include bareback. I remember seeing her advertising on and she was offering bareback as this is one of the services that can be listed on an escort's profile on that site. I was amazed and shocked to see her on e-i. Ok I played a little game and rang her up to see if she was still offering bareback but of course with no intention of seeing her. At first she said no and kept saying no but I knew for definite it was her from the other site as she used the exact same pictures. I offered her 300euro extra for the service and she was offering it without any hesitation. I would never ditch any escort but this is a health concern and I, like many punters I hope, would like to be aware of who offers bareback so they can avoid them categorically. I mean some punters have probably visited Maja unaware she offers bareback. I think it's their right to know she does and that's why I post this. Also, for the escorts too. I don't think they would appreciate performing say owo on a client who had just seen an escort who offers bareback. I 've only been punting for around 2 years and this is the only site I use but I urge that Maja is removed immediately. As i say, she is definitlely offering bareback, god knows what diseases she could have, which could spread like wildfire to clients/escorts of this site and she is putting both clients and escorts at risk due to her antics.