Are you a lonely and unappreciated Community Moderator?
Feeling low, down in the dumps?
Fristrated by bad spellings and worng grammer?!!!...,,
Want to talk to other Moderators and have a moan about the good old days when Mods could roam free and easy over a site?

Just ring the confidential Mod Chat Line 01 8721131

Thats right - other Mods are waiting to talk to YOU right now!

Swap stories about how the stupid eejits couldnt even post in the RIGHT section FFS, ha,ha,ha,ha
Moan about if YOU were the Boss, you'd soon start banning the buggers until there was fuck all people on the site!
Cry like a ickle lickle baby about how no one loves you and what a hard job it is and how you want your Mummy!

Mod Chat Line 01 8721131

Their waiting to take your call!