Tips for Punters

Please do not call us on hidden numbers we won't answer.

Do not bother texting unless you are a paying customer, elsewise your number is going to be thrown up all over this site and you never know, you piss of the wrong one of us and it may be in other places too :O Not a good idea

I think I speak for most people on this site when I say, it IS a job, so don't treat us like trash, you don't treat your co-workers like that do you?

We are more than happy to take most of you as clients and just remember that if you treat us like crap, it will be come harder and harder to get good service because we do talk here amongst ourself and I don't think I'm the only one with a "NO" list in my phone book
So be kind =]

Lastly enjoy and I hope you enjoy us as much as we enjoy you ;]