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Thread: Laura Lee - Rose Alliance Condemns French Vote

  1. #1

    Default Laura Lee - Rose Alliance Condemns French Vote

    The Rose Alliance has condemned the French vote to make paying for sex illegal. Read more here!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    When Laura wins her case against The Nordie version of this insanity, it may well have knock on effects leading to the French Version going as well!
    Ride them on the beaches!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Mod View Post
    The Rose Alliance has condemned the French vote to make paying for sex illegal. Read more here!
    Good response but likely to fall on deaf ears I am afraid. It will be a long battle to gain the upper hand against the prevailing ethos in socio-political circles which is deeply imbued by an ideology which focuses upon the creation of socially engineered politically correct societies. The particular phenomena known as the Swedish Model as alluded to in the article is borne out of an amalgamation of christian conservatism and feminist thought. To these people sex cannot be viewed as a form of commodity be it as the result of payment for sex or illicit sex which occurs outside the context of stable relationships. Within this philosophy man is considered to be the sinner who exploits and corrupts women and this in turn necessitates mechanisms of control. The female victims are in need of protection from exploitative males who need to be singled out and isolated then re-educated. This later point has given rise to the section in the French legislation which insists upon criminals been forced to attend seminars at which they will be enlightened about the distressful lives forced upon sex workers. It's Irish equivalent was a recent campaign probably paid out of tax payers money which claimed that "Real men don't pay for sex". The belief being that clients can be convinced in the same way as drink driving and anti smoking campaigns to give up their sinful ways. Also as pointed out in the article women like Laura are stigmatised because they don't adhere to the standard model of the abused sex worker who volunteers retirement from a defiling trade and is offered assistance to start a new life. In my opinion this is the greatest obscenity of this social crusade. Brave articulate women who object to the manner in which their objection to rules and regulations that impact upon their way of making a living, and often make this work more dangerous, are treated with ridicule and marginalised. This feminist/religious front has virtually become an industry at this stage and by cynically using the issue of human trafficking to advance their cause they have managed to convince the soft centre that this type of legislation is an imperative. Difficult to know how to effectively derail this bandwagon from a PR perspective but hopefully challenges currently underway in the courts will pave the way.

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