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Thread: Bad Client Data - Moving Forward

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008


    If E-I was to do a good and bad list. Then a username or nickname with ok beside it and seen by which escorts would be enough. For the bad client list, these been dangerous people their full phone numbers, name/username and physical description.
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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    If E-I was to do a good and bad list. Then a username or nickname with ok beside it and seen by which escorts would be enough. For the bad client list, these been dangerous people their full phone numbers, name/username and physical description.
    I think you may be onto something there highway, an escort doesn't need to have a persons number, all they would need is a profile name and possible a simple pin code (so others couldn't give someone else's username), if a guy then calls an escort she can ask, are you an e-i member if so whats your pin, she can then go and check his status and as far as e-i are concerned they are only storing usernames and no personal data. Now if he's not an e-i member she's no worse off than she currently is and has to make her own judgement call on wheter to see him or not.
    i'm sure this could be tweeked but it's an idea??

  3. #13
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    Well My New Solution is that I will buy a new sim and advertise that if any registered users wish to see me they may PM me for that number and I will give them a password and they can then phone on withheld number and book.

    That way not only does it promote the main sites but everything can be dealt with by the professional people that have been running these sites for years. If anyone who is registered turns out to be truly dangerous then at least there will be some sort of trace whilst "good" Clients can keep their anonymity from us girls.

    Cayla x
    MAYNOOTH NOW - Mon 13th Dec
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  4. #14
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    I don't want the safety of escorts to suffer, really I don't, but I do think it is probably about time we talked about these issues.

    Look at the fuck up with this list... What's the biggest problem?

    I think it was dishonestly.

    If the ladies involved had been honest with clients and said "We are keeping a list, here is how it works, are you happy to go on it?" we wouldn't be here now, as clients could have (a) advised the ladies their list was unsafe (b) decided not to go on the list or (c) gone on this list, but only with the details they were happy to provide.

    Bad clients are a different story to good clients. Personally I don't see the need for good clients lists at all. But some of the issues are the same, essentially in both cases we are talking about client personal info.

    I would like to discuss this in the open, because I think the issue should be out in the open, and I also think lots of heads come up with the best ideas. This list situation has been a wake up call to me and I want to make sure here at E-I we are doing the best we can to help ladies protect themselves from dangerous clients whilst not potentially comprimising the privacy of other clients.

    Look at what these ladies did. A lot of us feel they meant no harm, but they were certainly not approaching this issue with the care required. For example, why was the whole bad clients list with full details of 5,000 clients viewable and downloadable to all escorts involved at the click of a mouse? You could have a bad clients database that all escorts could submit numbers to, but nobody could view. The only way to access it would be to search and then the database would give you back a result of "no match" or "match". At least then nobody but the owner could have taken the list in full and distributed it, but ladies could still have checked their numbers against it.

    What I'm looking for is ideas, ideas for good solutions for clients and escorts.

    Pat x

  5. #15
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    Default Protection for all..............

    Patricia, the fact that the list was ever started, or existed, probably highlights the need for something like this, in some format!
    However naive the people who were involved, in either it's creation, or becoming members or users of it, I believe for the most part, they were only participating in it with the best of intentions, I believe to them, and correctly so, their personal protection and safety were the things that were in the forefront or their minds, and they were just looking at the whole thing from that prospective and really not looking at the bigger picture.
    It's quite easy to look at it all now and realise how stupid they were, and to be honest, had they given it a little more thought they too, would have realised that.
    The two main issued this highlights, and this is certainly nothing new, is, for the ladies, safety and personal protection, and for their clients, anonymity.
    In such an intimate business, and less anybody forget, not to put to fine a point on it, that's what it is to the ladies, business, there is always going to be required, of both sides, a level of trust. Many now feel this trust has been compromised by this list. I'm sure most ladies do keep their own lists, of their own clients, and as much as they may not want any of their details recorded in any way, the ladies will do this for their own safety, like it or not.
    However naive people may think the ladies involved were they are not the only ones to blame. Although they may have been given personal information by their clients, in the strictest of confidence, and completely trusting them to keep this information to themselves, there is one way to avoid this, and this should be the golden rule, for all punters.........KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!!! And I can't believe everybody doesn't know this, or at least seem to disregard it!!!!!
    Now obviously phone numbers are going to get saved, that's par for the course, but as far as I’m concerned, that's it!!!! Nothing else required by either side.
    Now if a lady gains personal information by methods other than loose lips and pillow talk then that's a different matter, ie. doing through pockets etc......

    Bottom line, if you're that worried about your personal information, protect yourself!
    Use a punting phone/sim..... Don't use your real name.... Don't park close by ....... Don't carry anything in your pockets, ie. wallet etc...... Just the money required for the ladies time...... and if you've a celebrity or have a well known face, use that to your advantage to pick up hot chick for free ........ or wear a gimp mask..........

    I'm not condoning, in any way what has happened with this list, and I'm not sure what can be done to protect those names on it, but is incumbent upon all in this business to at least learn from this!!!!
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon163 View Post
    I think you may be onto something there highway, an escort doesn't need to have a persons number, all they would need is a profile name and possible a simple pin code (so others couldn't give someone else's username), if a guy then calls an escort she can ask, are you an e-i member if so whats your pin, she can then go and check his status and as far as e-i are concerned they are only storing usernames and no personal data. Now if he's not an e-i member she's no worse off than she currently is and has to make her own judgement call on wheter to see him or not.
    i'm sure this could be tweeked but it's an idea??
    Adding a pin code would be a good idea so no-one else can use anothers username. If there is to be a list it has to be something that's not based on phone numbers or other personal information.

    It's a pity all this wasn't discussed on the forums before it was created. People could've raised their concerns and the more ideas that's put around the more likely a solution would've been found.
    Last edited by thehighwayman; 17-02-09 at 16:40.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
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  7. #17
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    Another idea, maybe silly, but just thinking out loud.

    Vbulletin has an option to charge for memberships.

    We could offer a paid membership option as well as a free one. Say a nominal free to become a paid member, e.g. 1 euro.

    This euro would have to be paid by paypal.

    Paypal verifies the identity of all its customers.

    E-I would not have paypal's knowlege of all its customers obviously, but E-I would have a database of the paypal email address of all paid members, which in theory the police could use to trace any member if a paid member turned out to be a dangerous client.

    Would escorts feel more assured taking a booking from an E-I member if they knew the E-I member was almost certainly traceable by the police in the event of a problem?

    All money paid to E-I in this regard would be donated to a chosen charity once a quarter or similar.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    Another idea, maybe silly, but just thinking out loud.

    Vbulletin has an option to charge for memberships.

    We could offer a paid membership option as well as a free one. Say a nominal free to become a paid member, e.g. 1 euro.

    This euro would have to be paid by paypal.

    Paypal verifies the identity of all its customers.

    E-I would not have paypal's knowlege of all its customers obviously, but E-I would have a database of the paypal email address of all paid members, which in theory the police could use to trace any member if a paid member turned out to be a dangerous client.

    Would escorts feel more assured taking a booking from an E-I member if they knew the E-I member was almost certainly traceable by the police in the event of a problem?

    All money paid to E-I in this regard would be donated to a chosen charity once a quarter or similar.

    It sounds like a good idea, but would that not only cover a very small ammount of clients. or could anybody sign up without registering on E-I?
    I like the sound of this. All money could be donated to the rape crisis centre or a similar charity looking after abused women.
    Last edited by Epsilon; 17-02-09 at 17:01.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    I don't want the safety of escorts to suffer, really I don't, but I do think it is probably about time we talked about these issues.

    Look at the fuck up with this list... What's the biggest problem?

    I think it was dishonestly.

    If the ladies involved had been honest with clients and said "We are keeping a list, here is how it works, are you happy to go on it?" we wouldn't be here now, as clients could have (a) advised the ladies their list was unsafe (b) decided not to go on the list or (c) gone on this list, but only with the details they were happy to provide.

    Bad clients are a different story to good clients. Personally I don't see the need for good clients lists at all. But some of the issues are the same, essentially in both cases we are talking about client personal info.

    I would like to discuss this in the open, because I think the issue should be out in the open, and I also think lots of heads come up with the best ideas. This list situation has been a wake up call to me and I want to make sure here at E-I we are doing the best we can to help ladies protect themselves from dangerous clients whilst not potentially comprimising the privacy of other clients.

    Look at what these ladies did. A lot of us feel they meant no harm, but they were certainly not approaching this issue with the care required. For example, why was the whole bad clients list with full details of 5,000 clients viewable and downloadable to all escorts involved at the click of a mouse? You could have a bad clients database that all escorts could submit numbers to, but nobody could view. The only way to access it would be to search and then the database would give you back a result of "no match" or "match". At least then nobody but the owner could have taken the list in full and distributed it, but ladies could still have checked their numbers against it.

    What I'm looking for is ideas, ideas for good solutions for clients and escorts.

    Pat x
    Personally speaking im not pissed of with the list more the amount of info that went into it some of the phone numbers in it have 6 digits which is 2 digits too many IMO and also includes descriptions, sexual preferences etc I can understand totally why they did it in any other business it would be seen as taken iniative and its certainly better than leaving information on a phone or pc, I think the paypal idea is a good one and i would contribute if proceed went to say STD awareness or some other good cause

  10. #20
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    The thing is Pat, that most clients are not registered on the forum here.... In fact, I'd say about 80% we see don't even look on the forum.....
    So, if you could put your differences aside with David and set this system up as a charitable thing, it would be difficult to make it work, as it would be more easy to fob for the bad guys.... It should be highlighted on the main page of the sites then too. I do think it is a good idea. Don't know weather i'm making sence though.
    This could be a possibilty only, if all ladies and both main sites would go along with it.... I know Paypal records all personal addresses too.... so I give it the tumbs up.
    Dublin tbc , Belfast tbc, Cork tbc

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