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Thread: et pourtant tout est vrai!

  1. #1

    Default et pourtant tout est vrai!


    back for a sec...

    am soooooooo sad....

    nobody belives me...

    nobody likes me....

    and i have been maggoted by a poppet...

    but the worse of it all...

    is that...

    Patricia does not believe me when i say I am a french canadian...

    Mais pourtant, ma cherie, tu devrais bien reconnaitre l'humour grincant des francophones?

    et tu devrais savoir que tu n'es pas tres juste avec les gens sur ton site car tu ne mets pas toujours les bonnes analyses, tu mets ce qui t'arrange et tes clients... et tes proteges... comme anna et les autres...

    bref, tu fais ce que tu veux sur ton site en te disant juste et neutre, mais ce n'est pas vrai...


    et tant pis pour toi...

    a jamais!

    tu as ruine ton site de commentaires acerbes, de reflexions profondes mais deguisees...

    puisse que le tout puissant maquereau te pardonne


    pas bisous

    vive le quebec libre!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by frenchstick View Post

    Mais pourtant, ma cherie, tu devrais bien reconnaitre l'humour grincant des francophones?

    et tu devrais savoir que tu n'es pas tres juste avec les gens sur ton site car tu ne mets pas toujours les bonnes analyses, tu mets ce qui t'arrange et tes clients... et tes proteges... comme anna et les autres...

    bref, tu fais ce que tu veux sur ton site en te disant juste et neutre, mais ce n'est pas vrai...


    et tant pis pour toi...

    a jamais!

    tu as ruine ton site de commentaires acerbes, de reflexions profondes mais deguisees...

    puisse que le tout puissant maquereau te pardonne


    pas bisous


    or in other words

    But however, my cherie, you should definitely reconnaitre humour grincant of the French speakers?
    and you should know that you are not tres just with people on your site because you do not always put the good analyses, you put what disposes you and your customers and your proteges as anna and the others...
    in brief, you make what you want on your site by saying to you fair and neutral, but it is not true...
    and oh well for you...
    never has!
    you have decline your site of acrid comments, deep but deguisees reflexions...
    be able that the all-powerful mackerel excuses you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default French is Gay

  4. Default

    Is this french fella back tonight again thinking he can lord all over us. I can recommend a few girls for you, theres myself, Hot Lizzy and Roxy. You won't want to see any women after you've been with us bunnyboilers. T'other Liz can make your cock grow by an inch. You don't need a bagette to do that
    I'm the real Liz, Queen of Soaps!!! Fancy a Hot Pot with Liz, have a good lick yummy!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    But however, my cherie, you should definitely reconnaitre humour grincant of the French speakers?

    and you should know that you are not tres just with people on your site because you do not always put the good analyses, you put what disposes you and your customers and your proteges as anna and the others...

    in brief, you make what you want on your site by saying to you fair and neutral, but it is not true...


    and oh well for you...

    never has!

    you have decline your site of acrid comments, deep but deguisees reflexions...

    be able that the all-powerful mackerel excuses you
    Who is mackerel?
    I m still lurking sometimes ;-)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Oi,did not see epsi was first..........ok,Epsi,i ll leave the pay to you.
    I m still lurking sometimes ;-)

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by frenchstick View Post
    a jamais!

    tu as ruine ton site de commentaires acerbes, de reflexions profondes mais deguisees...

    puisse que le tout puissant maquereau te pardonne


    pas bisous

    frenshstick is a bum bandit. A poof! A fairy! A queer! A queen! Fudge packer! Uphill Gardener! Fruit picking sodomite!

    youre as fake as a tranny's fanny.

    You great... soft... sissy... girlie... nancy... French... bender... Man United supporting poof! :

  8. Default

    I think you should change your signature to wanted frenchstick also known as bum bandit, fairy, poof, queer, queen, fudge packer
    I'm the real Liz, Queen of Soaps!!! Fancy a Hot Pot with Liz, have a good lick yummy!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Blog Entries


    Quote Originally Posted by Liz McDonald View Post
    I think you should change your signature to wanted frenchstick also known as bum bandit, fairy, poof, queer, queen, fudge packer
    Thanks Liz... I agree..... I'm meant to be going under cover for pete sake Gene..
    But not that kind of cover....
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

  10. Default

    You can hide under my cardie Luther. My bossoms will keep you nice and comfy!
    I'm the real Liz, Queen of Soaps!!! Fancy a Hot Pot with Liz, have a good lick yummy!!!

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