I went to see a lady I have seen 5/6 time already (she has a shed load of excellent/positive reviews) - I spoke to her on the phone - made the appointment - called before to confirm - got to the destination - had met her there ages ago so knew where I was going - got the codes for the doors texted to me (don't like the phone stuck to me ear) and told her I was heading up that I'll be there in 2 mins. Landed in and was directed to the bedroom.. Nothing unusual - normal transactions done and dusted - she always offer/insists on a shower so I turned to head back out towards the shower - she told me to wait as someone else was using it. Id talk to the wall but it was very difficult to talk to her (normal every day chat without going into too much detail) - I literally had to wait for some other lad to finish in the shower - then it got me nervous about a 'brothel' charge - didn't enjoy my time - woulda preferred to be told to wait a while than sit in the room!!

Has anyone else came across that scenario??