I ve never been on the other sites before,ok,but today i had my biggest laugh eeeeeeever.

I think the site itself is gone shit since it s owned by some asshole,but that s another storry.

Anyway,noticed tread in front by mr D saying there s some dangerous developement .......danger my ass,if there would be such thing.............eeeejits.............suggested by miss F..... suggesting the girls share lists with each other of "good clients"(telephone numbers )! Have gleaned from that site that such lists do exist already. whaaata loads of bollox,where did he got if from???????

I was laughing out loud like neeeever,than when i red it.

As a majority of girls use that site as well as IIE no doubt lists are being circulated here too.
O miiiiii goooot,seems like this lil man peeing his pants

Than he s requesting to admins,who does not exist on there any more,just his name..........
Will you investigate and ensure that out security is not being compromised either?
Than he put likn sending all guys to have look here,and straight haras come and register here asking other guys not to do so......hmmmm.......

Than is FrankJ putting some good word for me,well,he s a nice lad,and never on bad lists,so fair play to him,he even suggests he have no problem being on a list,as he never behaved badly and actually that s the truth.....but why others so scared from something does not exist????

Haras says he'd be interested to see what the escorts of this site have to say about this,and that he never go on this site site, but he read the thread,and then he register here.......

Than follow loads of bollox in lenght of 2 lists,and their superhero Jackass/whoever/ironing man /whoever else never comes

what a bunch of sad idiots.

I respect FJ,and respectED man who started it,but after this and rest of them........ naaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..............