Galina from Kiev Escorts.Ukrainian escort lady.Sex in Kiev with Independent Ukraine escort. arrived promptly, dressed in a sexy but understated black dress. My first thoughts were that she was a pretty next door type girl, the sort you'd be proud to bring home to your mother. We talked for a while and I was relaxed chatting with a genuine, sweet, young woman. As we kissed and I drew her toned but supple body into me I was fully prepared for a relaxed girlfriend experience rather than the pornstar experience.

As we made it to the bed and she peeled off her dress to reveal a truly exceptional body things really heated up. All of a sudden I had the most enthusiastic hot pornstar type chick fucking my brains out. I had been warned but it was totally unexpected and all the more brilliant for it. Writing this a day later - I'm still weak at the knees.

I can't recommend this girl highly enough. Her beauty is not immediately apparent but one that sneeks up on you and after a few minutes with this girl I knew she was a knockout. Her performance in the bedroom would put most porn stars to shame.