Just wondering do you guys tell the ladies that you visit your user name???
Either before you meet, ie. on the phone making the arrangements, via Pm, text or e-mail?
Or, when you actually arrive at the destination?
Or, after the appointment?
Or just say nothing at all?
Do people think, oh, I won't tell my user name because she might not have agreed with things I said on the message boards and it might affect the date?
Or, I'll definitely tell because we always agree on the message board and we'll have a whale of a time?
Or, I'd prefer to maintain my anonymity and save that, "not really knowing who you're talking to" thing that exists here?

I guess this is where we might have one up on the ladies!!!
Some of them may even think I'm handsome!!!.... And I wouldn't like to disappoint them or burst their bubble!!!!

Ladies feel free to express your opinion on the above!!!

P.S. I am not, never have been, and I would say with a fair degree of certainty, never will be, a journalist, reporter or any kind of investigator, either of the amateur or professional kind!!!