Mostly New Years Resolutions are done by means of giving up something.Giving up fags,junk etc.The problem with this appraoch,just saying "i will give up eating junk" is that it means to achieve your aim ,means focusing on what you dont want.

When you focus on what you don’t want, you feel bad, because all bad feelings are caused by focusing on something you don’t want. And, because your mind takes what you focus on as an instruction to create or attract more of it, you’ll unconsciously attract or create more of what you think.

So what can a person do to avoid it?By beginning with the end in mind and working back.This is acheived by way of becoming more aware.By developing more self awareness.

This is dont by questioning oursleves.Most people know want they want to give up but never question why.Never ask "why do i want to give it up".So why?When that answer is given ,then focus on that.I always say that to say no means having a bigger yes.

The person who wants to give up fags to be healthier ,focus on that,being healthier.You'll attract what you focus on in this case health.The person wishing to loose weight to be in good shape or fit into last years jeans,focus on that.Focus on the reason why your giving up or changing for the New Year.Then you'll have a bigger yes.

Barring that your just a lazy geit,