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Thread: Sim card

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Alex.xx View Post
    Your reasons posted there and few more I could add, are making me feel in Ireland like I did feel in Poland, hence me leaving my Vaterland. Nothing wrong with ordinary ppl, don't get me wrong, but that constant breath of government bodies and legal regulations 1984-like, make myself slightly uncomfortable indeed. Probably the same reasons make most living in IRE Poles feel nearly like home.
    That's a very interesting point which you have made, I remember a young Polish person, working in a sex shop here telling me that one of the reasons apart from economic ones that so many young Polish people came to Ireland and Britain was that they felt they was more a sense of freedom here.
    Actually, I remember Film director Neil Jordan making the point that when he was a teenager in the 50s (I was in the 80s) that the great enemy of the Irish state then were the then Stallinist countries of the iron curtain, mainly due to oppression of Catholics. But he pointed out quite correctly with us being a Catholic theocratic state in all but name ( In the BMW area (Border, Midlands and West), when I was growing up much later than Neil, we were the North Korea of sex!), the countries, we most resembled were the Stallinist countries behind the Iron curtain! There was of course one exception, behind the iron curtain, they built walls to keep their citizens in, whereas here, the state couldn't wait to export its citizens!
    Also there would have been depending on the mood of a particular dicktatorship, much more sexual freedom in Eastern Europe at the time.
    Today, another factor has emerged also, (the theocratic state isn't fully gone, we have an article in our constitution, equating a woman's life in value terms to being the equal of a foetus, which has led to at least one woman's death and we have frothing @ the mouth insane anti sex worker laws on the way!), which is the EU penpushers acting the bollocks over peoples' lives!
    It was very important in progressing social legislation and workers' rights, however now the exact opposite is happening now!
    Ireland, in its psychophantic wish to be best boy/girl in class, falls over itself to impose Germanic conceived rules on us and we are not a Germanic people (and neither are Poles, I have been there often enough to know, ye are an easygoing people who would also detest such overbearing rules)! And then of course there is an irony when those Germanic originating rules don't suit Germans, they will just put them aside for themselves! Of course the French just completely snub them!
    Also the secret task of our EU Masterbaters is to reduce living standards of ordinary European citizens to shit so big business can more easily complete with the BRICs et al!
    Ride them on the beaches!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Alex.xx View Post
    Your reasons posted there and few more I could add, are making me feel in Ireland like I did feel in Poland, hence me leaving my Vaterland. Nothing wrong with ordinary ppl, don't get me wrong, but that constant breath of government bodies and legal regulations 1984-like, make myself slightly uncomfortable indeed. Probably the same reasons make most living in IRE Poles feel nearly like home.
    Irish are only in the tuppeny/happeny place regarding monitoring mobile phone calls compared to what the British, Americans and presumably others are doing.

    In my, admittedly , very limited knowledge; the Irish authorities only require mobile phone

    operators to maintain records of who called whom on what date (and to maintain those records for some set period.

    As of now they claim not to log the content of the calls.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to nonpareil For This Useful Post:

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  4. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by The Libertarian View Post
    That's a very interesting point which you have made, I remember a young Polish person, working in a sex shop here telling me that one of the reasons apart from economic ones that so many young Polish people came to Ireland and Britain was that they felt they was more a sense of freedom here.
    Actually, I remember Film director Neil Jordan making the point that when he was a teenager in the 50s (I was in the 80s) that the great enemy of the Irish state then were the then Stallinist countries of the iron curtain, mainly due to oppression of Catholics. But he pointed out quite correctly with us being a Catholic theocratic state in all but name ( In the BMW area (Border, Midlands and West), when I was growing up much later than Neil, we were the North Korea of sex!), the countries, we most resembled were the Stallinist countries behind the Iron curtain! There was of course one exception, behind the iron curtain, they built walls to keep their citizens in, whereas here, the state couldn't wait to export its citizens!
    Also there would have been depending on the mood of a particular dicktatorship, much more sexual freedom in Eastern Europe at the time.
    Today, another factor has emerged also, (the theocratic state isn't fully gone, we have an article in our constitution, equating a woman's life in value terms to being the equal of a foetus, which has led to at least one woman's death and we have frothing @ the mouth insane anti sex worker laws on the way!), which is the EU penpushers acting the bollocks over peoples' lives!
    It was very important in progressing social legislation and workers' rights, however now the exact opposite is happening now!
    Ireland, in its psychophantic wish to be best boy/girl in class, falls over itself to impose Germanic conceived rules on us and we are not a Germanic people (and neither are Poles, I have been there often enough to know, ye are an easygoing people who would also detest such overbearing rules)! And then of course there is an irony when those Germanic originating rules don't suit Germans, they will just put them aside for themselves! Of course the French just completely snub them!
    Also the secret task of our EU Masterbaters is to reduce living standards of ordinary European citizens to shit so big business can more easily complete with the BRICs et al!
    Pre90's Ireland or Russia/USSR

    Catholic communism or Russian communism.

    We are all (supposedly ) equal - except for a few elderly bishops or old men in the Politburo , at the top hogging power.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to nonpareil For This Useful Post:

    Alex.xx (16-03-15)

  6. #24
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy Sandy 69 View Post
    Guys do you not think that maybe the drug dealers & the criminals have more to worry about using mobile phones than some guy booking an appointment with an escort?
    Sandy x

    Sandy, I dare to say, that in the very theory - yes. But everybody works against target. Maybe it's only me, but I imagine, that if some cop-team hasn't reached some target and badly wants bonus, they'll try catch anyone. Number is a number. End of.

    BTW I think you have missed small detail here as well. Anyone who will be buying what you're selling will be a (potential) criminalist. Nevertheless, as English Kate has said somewhere, that from the time, when that silly legislation will become live, you, me and all WG will be in touch with criminalists in our line of work. I know, it sounds harsh, but if you think about it. #really_facepalm
    Last edited by Alex.xx; 16-03-15 at 13:32. Reason: grammar, syntax, I am not native

  7. #25
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by irishdeltaforce View Post
    Pakistan’s Mobile Subscribers Are Required to Fingerprint!
    Tens of millions of Pakistanis show up in the mobile phone stores nowadays, and the country’s government had to toughen its measures to curb terrorism. So, Pakistanis faced one of the largest efforts in the world to collect biometric data: their government has ordered mobile phone users to verify their identities through fingerprints. Those who refuse will lose their SIM cards, which is an unthinkable option for people who have enjoyed a dozen years of mobile phone usage.
    Pakistan government seems to be concerned about a proliferation of illegal and untraceable SIM cards and tries to restore law and order. Back in December 2014, Taliban militants killed students and teachers at a school, and it turned out that 6 terrorists were using phones registered to one woman with no obvious connection to terrorists.
    Security experts point out that matching people to phone numbers would require an enormous amount of work. At the moment, there are 103 million SIM cards in the country, which is almost the number of the adult population, and mobile providers have 6 more weeks to verify the owners of all of the SIM cards. Over the past 6 weeks, 53 million cards that belonged to 38 million residents have been verified via fingerprinting. The government claimed that after they verified all of the SIM cards and blocked all unverified cards, the terrorists would no longer have this tool.
    First mobile phone company was set up in the country 24 years ago, but there was only sparse usage until the 21st century. Over the last dozen years, the number of mobile subscribers has increased from 5 million to 136 million. The mobile phone subscription rate in the country reaches 73% – just like in neighboring India. Given that 50 million more SIM cards are yet to be verified, mobile phone companies send outreach teams to the countryside and mountains to notify subscribers of the new measures.
    The weak spot of the plan is that one region remains largely unaffected by the plan – it is an immediate area around the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. Since many Islamist militants have sought refuge there, the country’s cellphone networks generally don’t cover those areas, and residents have to use Afghan networks.
    The collected fingerprints are being matched with those from a national database being created since 2005, so people those whose prints are not yet in that database must first submit them to registration authority.

    I am pretty sure many tricks have been somehow foreseen and embraced in the legalisation, but my little Polish head has at least 3 solutions for that already.
    I know, I understand, what they trying to do, but most of this type of ideas backfires well sooner or later, and usually harms ordinary people, not the real target. I'm almost tempted to put up a thread with possible antidotes (??? Plural of antidote??? anyone???), aren't you Irishdelta?
    Last edited by Alex.xx; 16-03-15 at 13:43. Reason: polishing my English

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  9. #26
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by nonpareil View Post
    Irish are only in the tuppeny/happeny place regarding monitoring mobile phone calls compared to what the British, Americans and presumably others are doing.
    In my, admittedly , very limited knowledge; the Irish authorities only require mobile phone
    operators to maintain records of who called whom on what date (and to maintain those records for some set period.
    As of now they claim not to log the content of the calls.
    You are right, Irish are still in nursery comparing to the NSA/GCHQ Dream Team. But it is the way, they execute it, what makes me feel trapped. I.e. an arrogant attitude of mobile phones shop assistant, who happens to execute that tiny piece of law as a part of his job - this makes me feel more powerless and vulnerable, than if NSA forces me to use kitchen foil on my tower

    Well said Nonpareil, they claim. It remains to be seen though. Just to be on the safe side, I strongly advise against buying any mobile or other toy, which happened to be manufactured in Korea. Small print: my knowledge is limited, too.
    Last edited by Alex.xx; 16-03-15 at 13:58. Reason: because

  10. #27
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by nonpareil View Post
    Pre90's Ireland or Russia/USSR
    Catholic communism or Russian communism.
    We are all (supposedly ) equal - except for a few elderly bishops or old men in the Politburo , at the top hogging power.
    This is a family business, grandchildren have taken over LOL

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Alex.xx For This Useful Post:

    nonpareil (18-03-15)

  12. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Alex.xx View Post
    Your reasons posted there and few more I could add, are making me feel in Ireland like I did feel in Poland, hence me leaving my Vaterland. Nothing wrong with ordinary ppl, don't get me wrong, but that constant breath of government bodies and legal regulations 1984-like, make myself slightly uncomfortable indeed. Probably the same reasons make most living in IRE Poles feel nearly like home.
    Quote Originally Posted by nonpareil View Post
    Pre90's Ireland or Russia/USSR

    Catholic communism or Russian communism.

    We are all (supposedly ) equal - except for a few elderly bishops or old men in the Politburo , at the top hogging power.
    In keeping with the age old Kremlin tradition of pretending the bosses are alive, strong rumours that the ex KGB star and reigning Russian Tzar Putin is actually dead!

    I think the comparisson was more between Catholic Fascism V Soviet Stallinism
    Ironically, Irish Fascist Catholicism was heretical within Catholic belief as it was based on Jansenism, A nutter French form of pseudo Catholicism, deemed heretical in the 19th century!
    And of course the Soviet Stallinist insanity had absolutely nothing to do with communism and it became the template for all so called Communist regimes!
    Interestingly, it was stated in a recent doc on the Irish mental health asylums, that in the 1950s, Ireland incarcerated more people, per head of population, in them (and these people were often reasonably sane, placed there to disinherit them!), than even uncle JO incarcerated in the Gulags at the same time!
    And that's not factoring in the amount of children held in the industrial schools or women enslaved in the Magdelyne Launderies (often there as a consequence of getting pregnant as a result of rape/incest and often got pregnant while there with the only male contact in them being with priests and doctors! And don't forget, the orders behind those concentration camps are lo and behold the same orders of nuns who are behind Ruhama - beyond comprehension!).
    Ride them on the beaches!

  13. #29
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Alex.xx View Post
    Sandy, I dare to say, that in the very theory - yes. But everybody works against target. Maybe it's only me, but I imagine, that if some cop-team hasn't reached some target and badly wants bonus, they'll try catch anyone. Number is a number. End of.

    BTW I think you have missed small detail here as well. Anyone who will be buying what you're selling will be a (potential) criminalist. Nevertheless, as English Kate has said somewhere, that from the time, when that silly legislation will become live, you, me and all WG will be in touch with criminalists in our line of work. I know, it sounds harsh, but if you think about it. #really_facepalm
    #really_facepalm there's more people buying drugs & more criminals operating than girls selling sex. There's rarely a day goes by without someone being attacked/murdered without taking into effect how much is spent on drugs. Gardaí/Police numbers are being cut left right & centre, there's bigger crimes out there being committed on a daily basis.

    We should also get this law in perspective, in recent weeks, we've had guys panicking that by accessing this website, being a member of this site & leaving reviews they will be open to prosecution. TORL will be rubbing their hands & laughing til they drop, you are playing right into their hands.

    When this law comes into effect in the North, watch & see what happens & what changes. I bet very little will happen or change. This law has been in Sweden for several years, the number of girls working has increased since it was implemented. That's a true, verified statistic.

    Sandy x
    In memory of an awesome woman Laura Lee RIP
    It's so difficult to articulate just how much she meant. Inspirational, brave and irreplaceable - our hero.
    Please do what you can for her daughter. Deeply appreciated.

  14. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Sexy Sandy 69 For This Useful Post:

    Alex.xx (18-03-15), Prickly (16-03-15), Zealot7 (16-03-15)

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by willie wacker View Post
    Well lads buy now and avoid the Rush
    willie i taugh the only sim you can get that you did not have to singn up for was tesco mobil

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