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Thread: To all ts lovers.......

  1. #1

    Exclamation To all ts lovers.......

    just to fill you all in on whats happening on another site with a similar thread -

    so far there's 32 punters/posters that have decided enough's enough with regard to the highly inflated prices TS/TV's are currently charging in ireland compared to the rest of europe!

    here the average price is between 250 - 300euro per hour whilst in the UK the same TS/TV's are charging 200sterling for an hour and in mainland europe its between 100 - 200euro per hour!!!!!

    so in these bad times, myself and others, have called for an all out strike with regard to these ripoff merchants - we've agreed a price of 150euro per hour/session (whichever is the longest) should be the going rate and so far we've stuck it out!!

    we call on all you like minded people here on this site to follow suit and stand behind us (not literally of course!!) in stopping this ripoff - the girls will have to drop their prices if they see we are united on this - next time you call a TS/TV ask for 150euro an hour - if they agree, let us ALL know so we can give them the business.

    TO ALL TS/TV's -

    you have had your big bite of the cherry and done well out of it - now its back to reality - keep in line with your companions abroad and don't come here to rip us off - don't give us the excuses of how hotels/apts are expensive, how costly it is to travel here, how expensive it is to live and eat here etc etc....

    all the other escorts have the same costs and still charge less, and if you think its cheaper to live and eat here than london/paris/barcelona/amsterdam then your taking the piss!!!!

    nobody denies that you have to make a profit if your in business but charging a 100% more on top of what is been charged across europe is nothing less than GREED and in this case "GREED is NOT GOOD"!!!!!!!!!!

    the ball - as they say - is in your court!

  2. Default Damn Right

    I hear you brother..ts are charging far too much in this country. I am with you and agree 2 go on strike..Hopefully every1 else will too!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default I'm right behind you brothers !

    Mind you I've always withheld my trade from these sorts / ladies / blokes.
    To each his own.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Jeez Gooner I never realized you were lickin both sides of the stamp

  5. #5

    Thumbs up love one - love all...........!!!!!

    hey look - my idea of life is simple - live and let live!!!!!

    i like TS's and females in equal measure - i'm not ashamed of it - i'm a single bloke so i'm not cheating on anyone and i try to enjoy life to the full!

    remember - your a long time dead!!!

    happy christmas to everyone!!!!!

  6. Default

    Well done! It's mad the prices that are being charged here. The country is going down the tubes and the girls think we still we pay those prices.
    They'll only drop them if the have no business.

    Keep it up!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    yeah completely agree like to visit ts every now and then but they are really ripping us off big time. i travel to england regular for work and football and it is much cheaper over there. so come on ladies give us a break

  8. Default complete madness

    that's right, was reading about it too on the other forum,
    times are hard , girls already brought there prices down in dublin, for what kind of service i dont know, didn't try it yet. the TSs will have to do the same if they want to still have business ...

  9. #9


    i was talking to TS Stella earlier and told her that €300/hr was far too expensive and she instantly told me that €250/hr would be ok. She hung up on me when i said that was also too much in these recessionary times*

    (*TM Ray D'Arcy)

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