Ladies have you ever sneezed so hard that you literally blew your eyelashes right off your lids?

My sneezes seem to be mega....when you sneeze your eyes close really tightly and I've found a few times as of late that I've sneezed so hard my eyelashes have came right off my lids and stuck to the bit where my crease is.

Last time this happened to me (which was about a month ago) I did it in front of a regular client and I was too busy trying not to blow my eyelashes off that I nearly.......nearly did a wee bottom burp but I didn't thank god.

JamesCork and I were just talking about ladies farting on another thread and this just popped into my mind, thought I would share even although the bottom burp thing is probably far too much information.

Does this happen to anyone else or is it just me?

