The Pope was been driven from Dublin airport to the Bishops House in Kildare/Loughlin & the Pope said to the driver “Son it has always been my wish to drive a car would U be so kind as to indulge me” ? the driver said “Ok Ur Holiness whatever U want” & he pulled over & let the Pope in to drive the rest of the way, & doing fairly well his driving caught the attention of a Garda traffic patrol car & was pulled over, the Garda approached the car “ on themselves Pope & Driver in the back & when the Garda see the Pope driving the car he almost S..ts himself & turns white, & says “wait there Ur Holiness please” he runs back to the car & radios the base in a panic, & says “Mary I need to speak to someone in authority on the double” Mary says “ok ill get the Sarge.” He replied “NO NO not good enough I need the Highest” Mary said “Well I patch U through to the Chief Super” the Garda says “Ok Ok” the Chief Super. Comes to the radio & the Garda explains his predicament, the Super. Says “Ok Ok stop panicking who is it U think is in the Back of the car” the Garda replies in a sweating panic “I don’t know but all I can say is GOD HELP US BUT THE POPE IS DRIVING HIM” ...