As most of us are probably aware [wake up Mari] President George W. [washout] Bush is relinquishing his presidential seal [no dirty jokes please] and its customary for an outgoing President to grant a pardon to whomever he pleases before handing over the gaff to the new guy [or nearly gal] so I’m asking in all seriousness and in a spirit of reconciliation and for the season that’s in it for EL Presidentay Patricia Bush [ok one or two dirty jokes so] of this little banana republic to grant Liz a pardon and allow her back into the rest of the forum sections even if under supervision or even with an ankle monitor if needed as she has been conciliatory of late and are we all not allowed the chance to reintegrate back into this albeit twisted little microcosm of society here, if not then where is the incentive to mend one ways, to see the light, to strive for personal and spiritual growth, to……well u get the picture.

If you do this EL Presidentay then you will see the true meaning of Christmas and maybe even like what you see staring back at you from your Xmas dinner fine silver, please don’t let Liz die on the vine like little tiny Tim from Christmas future, don’t say baaah…..humbug or shout YOU WANT MORE!?!? To poor little Oliver Twist but open up E-I to Liz like Willie Wonka opened up his chocolate factory to Charlie and his chums. [ok deffo a dirty joke in there somewhere] You have the golden ticket give, it to Liz.

Remember Patricia, Absolute power,corrurts Absolutely and its the wise dictator that shows mercy on their subugated people, do not go the way of Cauceascu and the wife did back in xmas past.

I hear Carlos is already enroute to the radio station.

Do this Patricia and it will indeed be a merry if a not very peaceful Christmas for all the E-I family.