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Thread: True Story…Lighthearted but has relevance here…

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Naomi is fine

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    I agree with a lot of that Ep, I want to leave as it happens, have done for weeks now, but will never ever EVER give in to bullies and braggats in life or here. I have stated many times what this place should foster, it never will wih him doing what he is doing. He is treated as a first amongst equals here and abuses that the way most of us now know then all those new people that arrive are just more cannon fodder for him to get is claws into, new Escorts especially.

    I have already told the entire place that I will leave when he publicly apologizes to Dolly and Naomi for what he knows he did to them.

    So begs the question, will he put forum first and apologize to them (not me btw) THEM and explain his actions and in so doing this place will be much the safer for new people and old alike and I will leave.

    He can kill two birds with one stone so easily, but will he put ye first or himself first?…..
    i was talking to the girl two weeks ago and trust me when i say this isnt bothering her the slightest.She is above this and to be quite frank too strong.Naomi just wants to be Naomi and enjoy life.

    As far as Dolly goes,who knows.Dont know her and dont wnat to know her either.

    As far as you two goes,you have made complete laughing stocks of yourselves in front of all here and continue to do so each time you two post.You both show nothing but disrespect for Patricia by turning her site into a personal agenda Even after you both were asked to stop by several users of this site you continue on.You have no idea of how childish you both look.If you two have any grain of self respect left you would both respect the wishes of the others here and let it rest.And just for the record im not one of them.I steer clear of negativity and this whole site has become one big mass of it and all down to egos clashing for what?Is there a prize somewhere?
    And langer using a split screen and logging in using different usenames fools nobody.

    Grow the fuck up,
    Last edited by westside; 15-10-08 at 16:11.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Talking Boo Hoo Hoo!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by westside View Post
    i was talking to the girl two weeks ago and trust me when i say this isnt bothering her the slightest.She is above this and to be quite frank too strong.Naomi just wants to be Naomi and enjoy life.

    As far as Dolly goes,who knows.Dont know her and dont wnat to know her either.

    As far as you two goes,you have made complete laughing stocks of yourselves in front of all here and continue to do so each time you two post.You both show nothing but disrespect for Patricia by turning her site into a personal agenda Even after you both were asked to stop by several users of this site you continue on.You have no idea of how childish you both look.If you two have any grain of self respect left you would both respect the wishes of the others here and let it rest.And just for the record im not one of them.I steer clear of negativity and this whole site has become one big mass of it and all down to egos clashing for what?Is there a prize somewhere?
    And langer using a split screen and logging in using different usenames fools nobody.

    Grow the fuck up,
    "Nope you wont see me soon at all.If i get banned that to me is saying fuck you west and i dont deal with that bullshit.You banned me sweetie and that was a mistake on your part."

    Now what were you saying about making a "laughing stock" of yourself and having no self respect????

    You have no self control west, you are weak ................ or as a friend of mine would say "you are all sack and no bollocks!!" ................. I say what I mean and I mean what I say.

    You can't even take stick in the Chat Room even though you feel entitled to give a lady hassle in there .............. what a pathetic excuse for a man!!

    You are nothing but a cry baby ............... and you can tell Patricia I have now hurt your feelings you slimey snitch!

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Wink West

    West tries to bury the truth ................. as I said weakness personified!!

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  4. #14

    Default Unfortunately... True

    Quote Originally Posted by QuarterPaws View Post
    Saying that Poles molest dogs is racist you deserve a holiday for that
    If he had told the story, and left out the nationality of the dog abuser, then it would not have been a racist comment, but the fact he mentioned the nationality (and more then one time in the story), shows he would be a fan of those Polish jokes. I take offense, as one of the best fucks I ever had was by a Polish man, and he was very polite and had very good manners. He also certainly didn't abuse animals, and as they say in Italy "He only touched me with a rose".

    I also think it's sad that this is a role model for QPH. What kind of a role model is a man who abuses a dog? Doesn't anyone understand animals these days? Animals love to entertain, and yes they are primal and natural. I study animal behavior, and I can tell you what happened was that two dogs did "get it on" because they were horny, but the fact that everyone was laughing, made the dogs feel like they were WANTED to be there. If you all had ignored them, or told them to "fuck off doggies" and made a gesture for them to go, they would have gone. You all made them feel that it was ok they were there! Dont you get it? The man who "snapped" did it more out of anger for you guys then for the dogs. He wanted to give you all a shock, so you would shut the fuck up, and he could eat his dinner in peace, without all this immature mocking of dogs humping. It was wrong of him to abuse the dog, but I would reckon it was Your asses he wanted to stick the spoon in and not the doggies.

    There now, does this shed some light on the story? Too bad for some people that I'm not only a human psychologist, but also an animal behaviorist. Poor wee doggie
    Last edited by DollyDarling; 16-10-08 at 03:15.

  5. #15

    Default cuckoo

    i think someone maybe a few bricks short of a lorry load.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008



    I am the owner of 16 horse’s and 5 foals and spend a small fortune every year on Vet’s bills far in excess of what anyone here spends on punting. Anything they require is gotten no matter what the cost. I find it from somewhere. As I know about horses I have reported instances of neglect to RSPCA any time I see it. I also breed horses for other owners and am well known in Equine circles in North Cork, in point of fact my disappearance a few weeks ago was nothing to do with things here but was because one of my foals contracted a viral infection on its optic nerve and went blind overnight. That can happen on rare occasions and no one knows why but the only treatment is to stay with them as much as possible to let them know they are not alone as otherwise the stress will cause them to bolt at full speed until they blindly run into a wall or other obstacle. So I spent the whole week doing that rather then what most do and have them put down and thankfully the infection past and its sight returned which is a very rare outcome, there sight hardly ever recovers. I never said what he did was funny, we were stunned, but what he said given the surreal situation that we found ourselves in was funny. So don't put words in my mouth as i am quite adept as it is.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    It would seem that the best man won .............. and QPH doesn't like it!!!

    Take the advise of the sane people here QPH .............. you became a joke ............. now you're in danger of being pitied.

    If you call how you have come out of the last few weeks "winning", how bad does it have to get before you think you are losing?

  8. #18

    Default That's good to know

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post

    I am the owner of 16 horse’s and 5 foals and spend a small fortune every year on Vet’s bills far in excess of what anyone here spends on punting. Anything they require is gotten no matter what the cost. I find it from somewhere. As I know about horses I have reported instances of neglect to RSPCA any time I see it. I also breed horses for other owners and am well known in Equine circles in North Cork, in point of fact my disappearance a few weeks ago was nothing to do with things here but was because one of my foals contracted a viral infection on its optic nerve and went blind overnight. That can happen on rare occasions and no one knows why but the only treatment is to stay with them as much as possible to let them know they are not alone as otherwise the stress will cause them to bolt at full speed until they blindly run into a wall or other obstacle. So I spent the whole week doing that rather then what most do and have them put down and thankfully the infection past and its sight returned which is a very rare outcome, there sight hardly ever recovers. I never said what he did was funny, we were stunned, but what he said given the surreal situation that we found ourselves in was funny. So don't put words in my mouth as i am quite adept as it is.
    I'm glad to hear how you take care of your horses. Sounds like you are a good horse owner, but it's a shame you dont value all animals equally. True, horses are indeed majestic, with their manes blowing in the wind as they run, but all animals are precious in the eyes of God. You should value all life, as it is all life is filled with the breath of God. Those dogs were fucking, just the way they were intended to. As I said, all of you laughed at them, and this is why they came back again and again and again. You could have helped the dog from being abused. If you are the animal protector you proclaim to be, you should've stood up at the start and defended the animal. I know that the moment I see potential abuse on ANY animal, I will speak up, or stand up and prevent it from being abused. Yes I'm just a wee girl, and I might be knocked over trying to protect an animal, but I'm willing to take a knock if it will protect another life from being abused. Your "compassion" is conditional. And you aren't different then alot of people. Loads of people find animals to be classified and sectioned to more minor or lesser rights of existance... but the genuine animal lovers will see all equal. So don't put yourself in the place of the genuine ones, if you are not willing to see all animals equal.

    Now go ride a horse.
    Last edited by DollyDarling; 16-10-08 at 16:12.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post

    I am the owner of 16 horse’s and 5 foals and spend a small fortune every year on Vet’s bills far in excess of what anyone here spends on punting. Anything they require is gotten no matter what the cost. I find it from somewhere. As I know about horses I have reported instances of neglect to RSPCA any time I see it. I also breed horses for other owners and am well known in Equine circles in North Cork, in point of fact my disappearance a few weeks ago was nothing to do with things here but was because one of my foals contracted a viral infection on its optic nerve and went blind overnight. That can happen on rare occasions and no one knows why but the only treatment is to stay with them as much as possible to let them know they are not alone as otherwise the stress will cause them to bolt at full speed until they blindly run into a wall or other obstacle. So I spent the whole week doing that rather then what most do and have them put down and thankfully the infection past and its sight returned which is a very rare outcome, there sight hardly ever recovers. I never said what he did was funny, we were stunned, but what he said given the surreal situation that we found ourselves in was funny. So don't put words in my mouth as i am quite adept as it is.
    I dont think that anyone here doubts your basic good nature towards all animals but some are seriously doubting you mental stability. You really need to stop digging a hole here.

    You have probably come across a bad tempered horse, which was proably mistreated when younger. You may have got a kick or a bite from the horse. Would you beat that horse or recognise its hurt and be more careful around it in future? We are all of us hurt in our own way. I would hate to lose your erudite views on diverse topics but, if you continue with this constatly trying to beat up on Bigpaws, I would vote to have you banned. Spend some time with your horses and come back to us without the anger in your heart.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008


    This wouldn't be allowed to go on as long as it has had it happened over on IIE. Alot of people here don't agree with the way things are done there but at least it wouldn't go on as long as this. Anyone that broke the rules would be banned and that would be the end of it. And they wouldn't be allowed to come back under another username. It's all very quiet over there at the moment so plenty of room for discussions. Theres only Amusablecashew desperately looking for someone to take it up the ass
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

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