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Thread: my sad truth

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  1. Default my sad truth

    This post is going to sound sad to alot of people but Im in my 30's have a very poor self image(IM FAT)

    I have never had a girlfriend and only had sex once in my life. I am what you may call sexually frustrated

    I have looked at the escorts Ireland so many times and I really want to visit one of these girls.

    I am not looking for advice on the morality of the whole thing but the reason I havent done it up till now is because im worried that Ill get caught by the cops plus the fact im nervous about having sex itself

    Another reason apart from being sexually frustrated why I want to do this is because what if I do meet a girl I like .its going to be a disaster the first time unless I get some practice

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Smile Go for it!

    Go for it son, you'll never look back, there's nothing like it!

  3. #3

    Default escorts

    most women barter sex eg house, car, financial stability. escorts are just honest about it and take cash instead. so don't frett about it, you are gonna end up paying for it wether its with an escort or the love of your life

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I saw you posting here before about seen escorts and you haven't gone true with it since. You should just bite the bullit and go for it. It's not as frightening as you think it will be. Relax and enjoy the experience. You don't have to be an experienced lover to see an escort. Lie back and enjoy it.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default enjoy the ride!!

    nobodys perfect mate. i'd say just get on with it. try to pick out an experienced lady for yourself. some escorts are waaaaaaaay better than the others. its worth doing your homework first.

    bon appetite!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Well,

    Quote Originally Posted by mrpink View Post
    This post is going to sound sad to alot of people but Im in my 30's have a very poor self image(IM FAT)

    I have never had a girlfriend and only had sex once in my life. I am what you may call sexually frustrated

    I have looked at the escorts Ireland so many times and I really want to visit one of these girls.

    I am not looking for advice on the morality of the whole thing but the reason I havent done it up till now is because im worried that Ill get caught by the cops plus the fact im nervous about having sex itself

    Another reason apart from being sexually frustrated why I want to do this is because what if I do meet a girl I like .its going to be a disaster the first time unless I get some practice
    you wont get caught by the cops unless you ask them for directions or something.As for being nervous about having sex your assuming the women will be good at it?Your what i call an obsticle man.Anything that comes your way you will stick an obsticle before it.

    If you are unhappy about your poor self image then do something about it.You stated fat so im guessing thats what the prob is.Forget the fact that looks are secondary things to women in the first place,do something about it.

    There you go again."IF" if you meet a girl.Whose to say the girl is going to be good at sex?I have being with some real hot girls that were not brilliant at sex,wouldnt hold it aganist them though.

    Here is a bit of free advice.Stop kicking yourself in the balls.Enough ppl will try to do that for you besides you doing it to yourself.Get into the habit of talking with women.Dont try and chat them up ,just talk to them .Go on a diet and have a bit of faith in yourself.Time flies and if you do these things you just may surprise yourself.

    Sorry bout the lecture but i really hate it when i see ppl being too hard on themselves.

    You are what you think you are,

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Go 4 it

    Hey there mrpink , just thought i'd throw my 2cents worth in . Saw that you asked this question back in feb , and got a few replies back . My advice to you is to look at the reveiw section , choose a popular girl , take a deep breath and call her . Explain that its your first time calling an escort , your nervous etc . Try book an escort that works out of an apt , as if its a hotel you might be extra nervous about all the people there . I'd recommend an afternoon appointment , as there will be less people in the apts when you go for the appointment . An hour would be my recommendation , surely you owe yourself that by now ! Enjoy the girls company first and foremost , and before you know it all the nervousness you felt on your way to her place will have disappeared . As the saying goes ... The only thing we have to fear , is fear itself . Best of luck man

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by mrpink View Post
    This post is going to sound sad to alot of people but Im in my 30's have a very poor self image(IM FAT)

    I have never had a girlfriend and only had sex once in my life. I am what you may call sexually frustrated

    I have looked at the escorts Ireland so many times and I really want to visit one of these girls.

    I am not looking for advice on the morality of the whole thing but the reason I havent done it up till now is because im worried that Ill get caught by the cops plus the fact im nervous about having sex itself

    Another reason apart from being sexually frustrated why I want to do this is because what if I do meet a girl I like .its going to be a disaster the first time unless I get some practice
    You need serious therapy and you need to do it now before you waste any more of your life. You believe that you are unhappy because you are fat. the reality is that you are probably fat because you are unhappy and you need to find out the source of your unhappiness. You need to find out what is preventing you from doing the things that ypu want to do and the things that you ought to do.
    Looks come a poor third after cleanliness and consideration in the eyes of escorts so you should have no concerns in this regard and they are the best source of experience and expertise to give you confidence in dealing with other girls. Go for a mature escort and be open about wanting to learn and experience things. The police have absolutely no interest in you even if you do ask for directions as there is nothing illegal in visiting an escort.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by mrpink View Post
    This post is going to sound sad to alot of people but Im in my 30's have a very poor self image(IM FAT)

    I have never had a girlfriend and only had sex once in my life. I am what you may call sexually frustrated

    I have looked at the escorts Ireland so many times and I really want to visit one of these girls.

    I am not looking for advice on the morality of the whole thing but the reason I havent done it up till now is because im worried that Ill get caught by the cops plus the fact im nervous about having sex itself

    Another reason apart from being sexually frustrated why I want to do this is because what if I do meet a girl I like .its going to be a disaster the first time unless I get some practice
    Hi MrPink and welcome to the boards, it must have taken a lot of courage to make that post.

    Try and concentrate on the positives:

    Fat can be lost\toned and the earlier you start, the better it is. It will take a long time but it can be done, either by joining a gym or weightwatchers or even taking a 30 min walk
    Just walking will give you a good feeling about yourself

    You are 30 (mature) and single. Just what a lot of women are looking for!
    Sounds surprising but its true

    Look around you - are you the only "fat" person? No, of course not, lots of women and men have the same problem - in fact so is most of Europe and the USA. You are not alone.

    Sex - when you do meet a women, she will be as nervous and as worried about being "good" at it as you - fact! She will be worried about her figure etc etc.

    Escorts - research and chat to them on here and then on the phone - dont be afraid to say you are inexperienced - they would love to help you and teach you have to please a women! 99% are real and lovely people who will take the time to give you a good time. They will never comment on your build or your inexperience or say anything negative - they want your business!
    Think of them as professionals in the same way you go to see a dentist or doctor. They are professional sex therapists that you get to do practicals with!

    Join clubs that will broaden your social skills - walking\sport\theatre the list is endless!

    Best of luck mate

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Well Mr Pink I can only add to what the others have to say, that there is nothing to be afraid of and that most of the girls are very professional. I started a poll about all our ages and was for a short time distressed to find that at 41 I was one of the elder members here. I wondered what girls could possibly consider spending their time with me. I fretted that I was too old and with me being young at heart and not really interested in mature escorts that there might be no middle ground. The regulars here convinced me to give it a go and god am I glad I did. Forget your worries and enjoy...

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