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Thread: Goes with the territory.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Goes with the territory.

    One thing that amazes me is this.when someone does something,it doesnt work out or they get caught on the wrong end of the foot.Now id be the first person to admit that we live in a hypocritical society.

    We have police tell us to keep to the speed limits,dont drink over the limit but its ok for a gov minister to drive down the wrong way of a dual carraigeway on top of this and walk free from courts.How times get forgotten quickly.

    We have priests stand on alters telling us that sex outside marraige is a sin knowing that alot of their colleagues were molesting and abusing children.

    We have a society where the gov tell everyone to tightened their pockets but have no probs travelling all over the shop mounting enourmous bills all at thye taxpayers expense.

    However ppl have to understand that we all have a choice in life and with that choice comes risk depending on the outcomes.My point at hand is when escorts put up their hands and say the have being dealt a bad blow surely they knew from the onset that this could happen?It goes with the territory.If you work as an escort in Ireland then you can make nice handy money but at the risk of weirdos,abuse and possible court appearences.Like i said i dont agree with it and i do think that the ppl high up on the ladder in the sex industry of this country could do alot more to push it forward and make it more acceptable but hardly at the risk of losing money.

    So while nasties can happen just understand that becoming a escort leaves you open to them and that is a risk that needs to be weighed up in your mind "beforehand".

    Just a ramble,

  2. #2

    Cool Pepper Gas spray one touch your gone

    Yep, that is why I carry with me my pepper gas spray at all the times

    One touch your gone, your finished & I mean it I have tried myself once, it was a deadly experience I don't reckon to anybody. I will never again used on me that is for sure I was in a terrible state during 15 minutes, I couldn't breather or see anything it was deadly
    I have more than one in case.... but I had never had to use it yet only playing
    It is call "Golden Shield-Bodyguard-TG-2508-MTD"
    Not messing around with me only joking

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by sexy naomi View Post
    Yep, that is why I carry with me my pepper gas spray at all the times

    One touch your gone, your finished & I mean it I have tried myself once, it was a deadly experience I don't reckon to anybody. I will never again used on me that is for sure I was in a terrible state during 15 minutes, I couldn't breather or see anything it was deadly
    I have more than one in case.... but I had never had to use it yet only playing
    It is call "Golden Shield-Bodyguard-TG-2508-MTD"
    Not messing around with me only joking
    Use that in this country and it won't be the person you sprayed will be in trouble. It would be you, and believe me you wouldn't just get a slap in the hand; it is an illegal substance to carry and would be considered grievous bodily harm which would send you to JAIL!!!

    Silly but it's up their with carrying a Taser or a gun!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Better off eating peppers for a good fart,

    one sniff and everything is gone,bit like my bank account come to think of it and you wont be jailed either.Farting in this country is legal.Clear out your guts and your enenmies all at once, affordably and effectively.Watch out for my new manual."The laypersons guide to killer farts".Must get my brother to write it when hes ready.Hes full of shit.

    Phooof gone,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I'm surprised to see pepper spray is illegal. I suppose it could be used for the wrong reasons. It would be better to be prosecuted using it on someone who intended harming you than you getting hurt.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  6. #6

    Exclamation Bodyguard

    Pepper gas: the aerosol is a non toxic but inflammatory gas, which can disable or paralize assailant for a short period of time if spray directly at assailant face. The gas spray will cause acute coughing, sneezing, and irritation of nose and throat personal safety can be 100% assured by appropriate use of the spray.

  7. Smile Kick in the balls

    I quick kick in the balls also works

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by sexy naomi View Post
    Pepper gas: the aerosol is a non toxic but inflammatory gas, which can disable or paralize assailant for a short period of time if spray directly at assailant face. The gas spray will cause acute coughing, sneezing, and irritation of nose and throat personal safety can be 100% assured by appropriate use of the spray.
    In Ireland re. Pepper Spray

    Its illegal to use it as a defensive weapon

    Its illegal to have it in your possession

    Its illegal to sell it

    A Final Note - Regarding Self-Defense Aids and Weapons

    Due to the threat of terrorism Ireland's laws on weapons are strict - in fact any weapons apart from shotguns and hunting rifles are illegal.

    This includes many items traditionally used for non-lethal self-defense. Tazers, stun guns, pepper spray and similar instruments are banned. If you possess or even use them you might find yourself in a difficult legal position.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Thumbs down Possible serious consequences

    Quote Originally Posted by sexy naomi View Post
    Pepper gas: the aerosol is a non toxic but inflammatory gas, which can disable or paralize assailant for a short period of time if spray directly at assailant face. The gas spray will cause acute coughing, sneezing, and irritation of nose and throat personal safety can be 100% assured by appropriate use of the spray.
    If you use pepper spray on a person suffering with asthma, or with a serious chest or heart condition, you could end up facing altogether different charges.

  10. #10

    Cool Anon I63

    but I am like "Madona" the singer
    Didn't you hear from Bigpaws I have 24/7 security garda all around my house
    So it is legal for me otherwise come & get me
    Only kidding xxx xxx

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