Munster a battu Toulouse par 16 a 13.

Next week's headlines in L'Equipe!

You can have your Brazils, Italys and Germanys, your overpaid foreign imports, Maradonas and prima donas, Man Us and Chelseas, your Russian oligarchs and round balls, and countless billions to spend and professional fouls; roll them all together and insert them where there's no sunshine.

There may be 400+ escorts on this website, but Jerry Flannery is still the best hooker in Europe.

People of Limerick and Cork and all of Munster be proud. This is up there with 1978 and 2006. This one was'nt about money, it was about (explicative delected) local pride. If Kidney can do it for Munster, he can do it for all of us. 2011 World Cup look out!