View Full Version : Laura Agustin - Don't Talk to Us About Sewing Machines

Half Man and Half Dildo
11-07-12, 20:25
Hi all, found this earlier.


When we look back in a few years on the AWID forum 2012 it may well be seen as a turning point in both the sex workers movement and in the polarizing debate in the women's movement about sex work. At a plenary session the majority of women supported the notion that sex work is work.

At a session following this we looked in depth at the idea of trafficking and the impact of the antitrafficking movement on the rights of sex workers.
In this video Meena Seshu, Laura Agustin and Wi EMPOWER discuss the impact of the rescue industry on sex workers, the anti-migration bias of the antitrafficking movement, the impact of the treaties and the origins of the idea of trafficking.....

Jack in the Box
15-07-12, 23:20
Laura Agustin hit the nail on the head many times. We should try to get her to come to the conference on sex work here. She has a facebook account which would be one way of contacting her.

15-09-12, 00:34
Hi all, found this earlier.


Thanks HM&HD. Watched this shortly after you posted it. Great clip. Laura Augustin is a blue blooded femininst. I doubt if she care much for the sex industry and I suspect would happily burn punters alive if she got the chance (us being men and all....:o).

But both she and the other women at this conference (AWID - Association for women's rights in development) fully reconise that prostitution/ sex work/ escorting (whatever you choose to call it) - is legitimate work. And that an escorts rights to work as an escort has to protected just as any other worker's rights.

She also points out the hypocrisy of the "rescue industry" which has manipulated certain words such as "slavery" to misrepresent the entire industry, and fool the masses.

It would be great is someone could get her over for the planned conference (which no one seems to know the date of??? I smell conspiracy!!). She would certainly hold her own against the likes of Ruhama, the rest of the TORL, and Labour women. She would certainly expose their lies. And she would have credibility as she has nothing to gain from her stance (in that she isn't involved in any way or have any sympathy for the sex work industry itself).