View Full Version : Tell Sarah Benson what *YOU* think

09-06-12, 01:09
She has written an article here and got her confederates to dare people to argue on Twitter:

Here is my comment (in case she manages to get it deleted):

Hello Sarah, first let me bring up something that really bothers me:

"The vast majority of women, and indeed the small cohort of men who become involved in prostitution are without other meaningful options. They lack family and social support systems, access to money or education or alternative employment options. They may also be living with the trauma of previous abuse or the crippling problem of addiction. In this context, you are talking about a choice that is simply no choice."

So how, exactly, did you arrive at the conclusion that the best way to help those people is to campaign to eradicate the very last option that remains?

Because it seems to me that will leave them with no option on survival, and life at all...what's the idea?

Make the end quick and merciful perhaps?

Are you quite sure you have the right to make that decision with another person's life? Especially when you have absolutely no personal experience of what it is like to somehow manage to survive, on the edge, with no options.

Trust me, you have to be there...the fear is the worst part. Some nights you lie awake rigid with terror that something will happen tomorrow that will make your life that little bit harder and push it into the impossible zone. It's like living on death row...without having a clue when your execution will be...and you still have to walk through the same world as everybody else with their safe lives, and guaranteed tomorrows...

Thinking about it, I suppose I can see how you might get the idea that it would be best all round to push all those lives over the edge and GET IT OVER WITH.

But tell yourself whatever you like, you still do not have the right to make that decision on behalf of another adult human being.

Over the past 23 years I have talked to a lot of sex workers,and I do mean a lot, and I have never talked to a single one that had "eradicate my livelihood" at the top of their wish list, so how come Ruhama doesn't know that to? Or could it be that Ruhama does not care what sex workers really want or need?

Might that be contributing to another fact...that in 23 years I have never met a sex worker who wanted to engage with Ruhama at all, let alone place their life in your hands?

Of course there are other reasons too, for instance your opinions on how the sex industry works it is incompatible with their personal experience of is (as well as the personal experience of more than 100 Guards who raided 100 premises last week without finding one suspected victim of trafficking or coercion).

Where do you get your information anyway?

You refuse to listen to sex workers unless they say what you want them to say. If they don't you just ignore them and if that doesn't work you gag them as best you can.

You certainly do not listen to clients.

However well you mean, it is always extremely unhealthy for any person to be insistently informed that their own first hand experience was not what actually happened, especially by a third party working on guesswork. The more insistent they are, the worse the cognitive dissonance. Even people who would not know the words for something like that (though many sexworkers would), can still sense, instinctively, that it is bad for them, and stay away...and they have stayed away...for 23 years.

The findings of your own organisation confirm that decriminalisation between '83 and '93 increased safety for sex workers and excluded trafficking and the exploitation of children. Why on earth are you contradicting that?

"Presentation to the Oireachtas Justice Committee
On 23rd May 2006
By Kathleen Fahy, Director of Ruhama
“There have been huge changes within the sex industry since 1989. For a number of years the majority of women we worked with were in street prostitution, with most of them operating for themselves, with no involvement of serious criminal gangs. While brothels were in existence their prevalence was much less than today. Encounters with non national women were extremely rare.”
“Information technology and newer forms of communication, (mobile phones/ internet advertising escort agencies etc) are replacing streetwalking as a way of making contact with clients. This makes it easier for pimps and procurers to operate, and renders an already secretive trade even more invisible”"

When somebody sells sex "because they have to, not because they want to" their survival can depend on the market for sexual services. Taking that market away can easily amount to taking their lives away.

Trust me, when a person does not choose to sell sex, you do not have to coerce them into destitution by taking their market away...because they will stop selling sex the minute they have a real alternative.

I was a streetworker until 1993 and I wanted out so badly my heart was breaking, but nothing Ruhama offered was a real viable alternative for me at any time in those 4 years.

I gave you a chance to show me the organisation had changed this year but if it has changed at all it is only to become more irrelevant and self serving, and less sincere than I ever. That is what you have chosen to show me in the past 6 months, and that seems to be all you have to offer any sex worker in Ireland today.

The hard truth is that the vast majority of sex workers in Irelad wish Ruhama and Turn Off the Red Light" would leave them alone and go and save whales before they cause any more harm.

09-06-12, 01:15
Just Bumping so people see this. :)

09-06-12, 10:16

i going to try say this the nicest way possaible,

not all of us an uneducated with no options, i have options i have an excellent degree that i WOULD find work with

why i choose to this instead is i make money, more that another job with the freedoms to go back to collage i am not alone here

i come form an amazing family, yes there not wealthy or cud afford to pay my collage fees but there good honest people, i cant tell them and live in fear of been outted, i can take been called a whore on the street, my family no

i think u have a point and indeed a point with street prositituon and brothels where the norm, yes these women problem driven by poverty and want

in the good times, before the recession we made alot of money been escorts goes we are good it and it makes the most money

to be at this moment in m life this a career option, but more like a business venture, i am just a small trader who worked hard and continues to do ok even with a recession, in my eyes thats a successful business

not all of us have issue with this, i like sex i love money win win, i do not need to be attracted to them,i even prefer the auld lads as clients, they do it right no matter of there window dressing they do it right, maybe i am just mature of us to know its just window dressing, i demand and get respect i dnt, ur gone

i am not unique in any regard

yes there some who wnt enjoy fucking every punter but they do it coz there good at it and make money!
also one can take satsfaction form pleasing someone, and that is my profession to make someone happy and feel good about themselves, same as a hairdresser, not every hairdresser loves cutting hair now but they choose to it as it provides the best income to them at the time

these are new times, prosition itself has gotten glamourised, normal un abused girls, like me and man others now join it as its NOT the seedy underworld, back street or manky bedsits it used to be

not for all of us!

so please do not say vast majority when ur talking about us now, the sex industry has vastly changed, it got some class

its still sex for sale, indeed, but u cant be ambiounce to raise the prise and thus intreast people like me and many of my friends

no one will ever know the truth abouts this industry as that is the nature of it, business of discretion!

but i dnt think ur vast majortiy do it out of social economic need or drug addiction, unless i am alien

i hate in this job u do anything have a joint, drink not cum with every punter ur a victim

no its been the average bloody person!

09-06-12, 14:22
Oh hang on Saoirse...

Why are you say this to *me* not Sarah Benson? That is who you need to be telling, and I wish you would do that so bad you have no idea.

"The vast majority" was something I quoted from what Sarah Benson said so I could pull it apart, not something I said...so will you PLEASE got to "crime.ie" and eat her alive for it, not me?

(Oh and BY THE F*CKING WAY...not everybody who winds up with no options is uneducated, weak, or in any way stupid. Unless you think I am?)

11-06-12, 12:28
I can see all responses to Sarah Benson , good job Eileen , you write from your personal experience which is much more appreciated than empty words. You go Girl Eileen.

11-06-12, 12:33
Good points, Eileen :)

Here is the Ruhama propaganda poster featured in the link:


Now that we know what we know from the recent escort visits, what do we think about this campaign?

11-06-12, 12:34
I also would like to add that Scarlet letter and Maggie McNeill responses are awesome.

11-06-12, 13:56
Good points, Eileen :)

Here is the Ruhama propaganda poster featured in the link:


Now that we know what we know from the recent escort visits, what do we think about this campaign?

...this poster is the most demeaning, degrading thing.

It is also highly sexualised, and not in a healthy way, in terms of a grey area of lifestyle domination that straddles the borders of fetish and "time to call the cops". There are people who seek a lifestyle where they have such absolute mental and emotional dominance over the sub that they will submit to body modification, desexualisation, even female circumcision. The first step being to shave off the hair and strip off the clothes.

Unconsciously I think Ruhama have let slip the way they really see us, dehumanised, depersonalised, empty vessels for them to dominate and fill up with self serving codswallop.

When I get angry about sex work issues the images I see in my mind are of utility bills, mortgage demands, beloved homes people have painstakingly put together...all the trappings of real, individual 3 dimensional people, real, individual 3 dimensional lives.

Ruhama see a passive depersonalised, desexualised drone to be coerced to their own agenda...and they want other people to see it too.

Maggie always has amazing stuff to say, she tweeted this last night...actual quotes from the prohibitionists that inspire Ruhama:

Factor that stuff into the campaign imagery...

It is scary...

Half Man and Half Dildo
11-06-12, 20:12
Thanks for the link, Eilleen.

I've been keeping an eye on the article for the last few days and I'm really suprised that there has not been more responses to it from the escorts on this site. Here is a perfect opportunity to refute the lies that Ruhama are spreading and only Saoirse and yourself have bothered replying.

11-06-12, 20:55
That puzzles me too. David, who owns the site is really nice and would love more input...he would even like some articles. He really *wants* to know and publish the truth.

It's a very anonymous login, you just have to give username and email.

Ruhama get away with reinventing us all to suit themselves, because people do not speak up.

Half Man and Half Dildo
11-06-12, 21:45
If people are reluctant to give out their own email address in order to register on crime.ie they can use a disposable address that expires after a given length of time. One such service is http://www.guerrillamail.com/

11-06-12, 22:02
Hi Guys,

Dave here from Crime.ie just want to say thanks for coming over to the site , I just want to say all comments and discussions are welcome on the website and that you don't need to worry, I know a few of you are concerned about the security.

Just to let you know www.crime.ie is not affiliated in any way to the government or any public services and is mainly run by myself and another great editor/journalist.

Anyway feedback on the site is great at the moment and thanks for popping over and if you have anything you would like to contribute let me know if not it's great to have you over either way and if there is anything we can do to improve your experience let me know.

Thanks again.


Half Man and Half Dildo
11-06-12, 22:22
Whenever you visit http://www.guerrillamail.com/ it seems to automatically generate an email address for you, but if you'd rather use something else just click the "Forget Me" button, enter the username of your choice in the lefthand box, select a domain name from the drop down list and the click the "Set" button. You now have a disposable email address that expires in one hour.

Perhaps its my Firefox settings or some addon I have installed, but the "Copy To Clipboard" function only seems to work with [username]@sharklasers.com so its best to type out the full email address yourselves rather than relying on whats been copied to the clipboard.

11-06-12, 22:24
Guys there is also http://www.hushmail.com/ which doesn't ask for any personal information and you can hold on to it long term.

Half Man and Half Dildo
11-06-12, 22:31
Hi Guys,

Dave here from Crime.ie just want to say thanks for coming over to the site, I just want to say all comments and discussions are welcome on the website and that you don't need to worry, I know a few of you are concerned about the security.

Just to let you know www.crime.ie is not affiliated in any way to the government or any public services and is mainly run by myself and another great editor/journalist.

Anyway feedback on the site is great at the moment and thanks for popping over and if you have anything you would like to contribute let me know if not it's great to have you over either way and if there is anything we can do to improve your experience let me know.

Thanks again.


Dave, thanks for posting this. I wouldn't have known about your site had the Ruhama article not been linked to here.

Best of luck with it.

Jack in the Box
14-06-12, 19:07
There are plenty of comments there so far. Anybody who believes Benson's propaganda and ignores the comments is like someone buying a dodgy second hand car or house without a mechanic or surveyor.

28-06-12, 21:52
So much for freedom of speech - all our comments have now been hidden...

Lovely...much appreciated...

Half Man and Half Dildo
28-06-12, 22:22
"Ruhama Tell Lies Because They Have To, But The Sex Workers Don't Want Them To"