View Full Version : Six children forced into sex trade

02-05-12, 13:19
Six Irish children were among 57 alleged victims of human trafficking reported to gardai last year, it has emerged.

New figures show almost two thirds of the men, women and children were moved around the country to work in the sex industry.

Another 13 were victims of labour exploitation, two of both sex and labour, and the background of five others unknown.

Thirteen were minors and seven of those - including the six Irish youngsters - had been forced in to the sex trade.

Ruhama, which supports women affected by trafficking and prostitution, warned the figures were just the tip of the ice berg.

Gerardine Rowley, spokeswoman, said: "This report shows the growing problem people human trafficking is, but it is just the tip of the iceberg.

"Because of the very clandestine nature of it all it is so underground. Victims are so controlled and are fearful."

The annual report of the anti-human trafficking unit in the Department of Justice revealed 48 of the alleged victims were woman and nine were men - three who had been forced in to sexual exploitation.

The majority - 29 - were from Africa, while nine were from the EU, eight were Asian, three were from Latin America, and two from European countries outside of the EU.

Ms Rowley raised concerns over the immigration status of the victims, with 20 locked in the asylum process and just one had been granted protection from removal under the administrative arrangements.


02-05-12, 14:25
It's quite hard to find, but better to look at the *actual* report:


Then strip out the spin and hype.

For starters, apparently, 6 of the 35 women who were suspected "victims of sexual trafficking" were Irish women...now I know all about the people's Republic of Mullingar, but isn't that a LONG way from the "international sexual slavery" image they like to promote?

I am not trying to state that this is a *good* thing, but that, scratch the surface and nobody has any way of knowing what class of a thing it might be...

Of the rest, 21 originated in Africa (18 from Western Africa), 2 from Asia and 2 from Latin America...and, of those 20 are Asylum Seekers...

Not quite the same story is it?

Certainly not a justification for persecuting clients in a vicious attempt to starve somewhere between 1500 - 2000 women out of the sex industry and into unemployment and extreme hardship, if not outright destitution...if fact, forgive me if I suggest that Western Africa seems a better place to apportion blame!

Of the 6 prosecutions relating to minors, 3 were, in fact brought under the "pornography and child trafficking" legislation of 1998 and my well have only had a limited connection to trafficking, or the sex industry. One of the three prosecutions under the 2008 act was attempted kidnapping for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

Don't get me wrong, I like to castrate a pedophile before breakfast to work up my appetite - BUT...is there not evidence of a lot of prosecutions for other offences being tagged as "trafficking" and "slavery" to beef up the numbers?

02-05-12, 17:47
Some very interesting statistics in that report, my first observation is that the NGO's seem to be of the impression that men can't be trafficked, only women. Yet the justice system clearly has evidence of a few men trafficked. I am still trying to get my head around how someone from Ireland can be trafficked, I thought trafficked had to include a border, unless some poor Northerners are being shunted around the country I am not aware of other boundaries that would constitute trafficking.

02-05-12, 17:56
Some very interesting statistics in that report, my first observation is that the NGO's seem to be of the impression that men can't be trafficked, only women. Yet the justice system clearly has evidence of a few men trafficked. I am still trying to get my head around how someone from Ireland can be trafficked, I thought trafficked had to include a border, unless some poor Northerners are being shunted around the country I am not aware of other boundaries that would constitute trafficking.

Nope, trafficking can include causing a person to enter, leave or travel within the State.

02-05-12, 18:47
Nope, trafficking can include causing a person to enter, leave or travel within the State.

Thanks for that but I would normally have called that abduction....

02-05-12, 19:37
Thanks for that but I would normally have called that abduction....

That's actually a good point. False imprisonment would appear to be the fitting charge as it covers anyone who takes or detains or causes anyone to be taken or detained, or otherwise restricts someone's personal liberty, or abduction of a child under section 17 of Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act, 1997.

I'd imagine it's just another created and possibly duplicated offence per the international trafficking conventions which had to be ratified. A sort of unnecessary duplication like that of Assault in the aforementioned act and Assault with intent in the Public Order Act, 1994.

02-05-12, 22:26
Quote from Ruhama:

"Because of the very clandestine nature of it all it is so underground. Victims are so controlled and are fearful."

The exact reason people want it legalised

03-05-12, 01:12
Nope, trafficking can include causing a person to enter, leave or travel within the State.

If you remember when we tried to sort out the letter of the law between us it could actually be stretched to include causing and Irish resident, Irish National to sit quite still with their hands in their lap and/or read their library book it is so loosely worded and badly drafted.

03-05-12, 01:14
Quote from Ruhama:

"Because of the very clandestine nature of it all it is so underground. Victims are so controlled and are fearful."

The exact reason people want it legalised

...and what they forget to mention is that sex workers most sex workers are, if anything, even more fearful of Ruhama than of most of the people they are trying to pin spurious trafficking charges on.

03-05-12, 01:15
If you remember when we tried to sort out the letter of the law between us it could actually be stretched to include causing and Irish resident, Irish National to sit quite still with their hands in their lap and/or read their library book it is so loosely worded and badly drafted.

Indeed, you know I enjoy sorting out the letter of the law any time with you ;)

03-05-12, 01:19
The title did it for me, thats six childern who have been fucked up now for live.This is a adult directory for escorts, do we really need to know or read reports on ei about childern being forced to work as sex slaves?

Actually this is a forum for the staff, customers, friends and publics of an adult directory for escorts, and, WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT, some of the cheeky feckers have the IMPUDENCE to be human beings in their spare time...and, one worse, EXPOSE that here to the unwary- without warning?

Shouldn't be allowed, so it shouldn't...

11-05-12, 19:04
If you remember when we tried to sort out the letter of the law between us it could actually be stretched to include causing and Irish resident, Irish National to sit quite still with their hands in their lap and/or read their library book it is so loosely worded and badly drafted.

Well yeah Irish law was sort of drawn up the night before, If you know what I mean.
The minds who drew up irish law weren't concerned with it being straightforward,logical or being to the benefit of the irish citizen. To them it was more about saying to the English "we have our own law so feck off."
It was supposed to be the draft for better laws in future but well...why fix your own laws when you can just do what the bible tells you. lol.

11-05-12, 21:46
Actually this is a forum for the staff, customers, friends and publics of an adult directory for escorts, and, WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT, some of the cheeky feckers have the IMPUDENCE to be human beings in their spare time...and, one worse, EXPOSE that here to the unwary- without warning?

Shouldn't be allowed, so it shouldn't...

Thank U LaBelleThacher.
Yes! we are Human, the staff, customers, friends, Public, who are working to earn a living or getting Social Support. We dare to show we are interested in sharing time with the Escorts who advertise on this site. The Escorts are free to advertise as we are free to use the services they offer, That to me is Human Choice and Freedom. It Needs to be recognised by our Society and Legislation to Protect The Escort and The Client Needs to be Enacted. The Horror of the current situation is Young Men and Women are being trafficked to work in this industry with promises of great easy money.
But as is often the case, the so called managers of these youngsters exploit them, forcing them to see bad clients as well as good clients to make money:crucified:

12-05-12, 23:34
Thank U LaBelleThacher.
Yes! we are Human, the staff, customers, friends, Public, who are working to earn a living or getting Social Support. We dare to show we are interested in sharing time with the Escorts who advertise on this site. The Escorts are free to advertise as we are free to use the services they offer, That to me is Human Choice and Freedom. It Needs to be recognised by our Society and Legislation to Protect The Escort and The Client Needs to be Enacted. The Horror of the current situation is Young Men and Women are being trafficked to work in this industry with promises of great easy money.
But as is often the case, the so called managers of these youngsters exploit them, forcing them to see bad clients as well as good clients to make money:crucified:

That poster made me really angry, because he was talking as if paying, or being, a sex worker cancelled your right to a social conscience, or concern about protecting the the innocent...I wouldn't mind, but I hang around here BECAUSE I see far more genuine concern about these things here than ever in the state system.

You know, all the trafficking hype is really a load of nonsense?

People, innocent people, move countries because they live in absolutely unbearable poverty...9 times out of 10 they couldn't care less whether they are going to sex work or not, as long as they have a chance at a way out to something better.

The 100k type salaries paid to those in control of NGOs somewhat preclude them having the smallest grasp of how desperate life can be on that level.

Even the state system forces disadvantaged young people into situations that are, unbeknownst to the majority of society, living, day by day nightmares...like the laundries, but sanitised and gone underground.

At it's outer edge, sex work is a survival resource used by people who have no other options...WHAT KIND OF MONSTER WANTS TO MAKE THAT HARDER LET ALONE TAKE IT AWAY BADLY ENOUGH TO TELL LIES TO REINFORCE THEIR POSITION?

When I was young, a teen, I, and people like me, regardless of the official position, had two real choices:

We could be sexually abused for money.
We could be sexually abused for free.

I do not see one iota of difference today, and the so called "caring NGOS" (a bit like a "caring Waffen SS" IMHO), who know that as well as I do, have nothing to offer except to to make those limited options even more difficult and dangerous than they already are as an excuse to hang on to status and funding they did not deserve in the first place.

Today I was watching "Britain's got Talent" and I found myself collapsed on the floor in tears at Ashley and Pudsey, and every innocent thing marginalised young people, just like I was, do not even get to dare to dream about, while the people who get paid a lot of money to "care" for them dream up excuses to make their lives even harder and crueller.

I get the difficulty people have with men who would pay for sex with these young people, I share that, but when you have been there, like I have, you know, that you can either get preyed on honestly for 30 minutes or an hour then left to gather what little you can of life around you for the rest of the time, or you can get preyed on hypocritically 24/7, within a system that claims to care for you, with no time or chance to be alive at all...

Unfortunately Carlsberg do not offer a third option.

Which would you prefer?

13-05-12, 00:18
I noted this article in the Irish Times today:

I'd be interested to know how many if any of these 'child trafficking' cases we keep hearing about actually refer to the sex industry.

13-05-12, 00:58
I noted this article in the Irish Times today:

I'd be interested to know how many if any of these 'child trafficking' cases we keep hearing about actually refer to the sex industry.

Ah Pat...this is RIDICULOUS...you know me, I know you...we would happily meet up to castrate this sad, sick little pervert AND have a great night out to celebrate after...BUT IT IS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SEX INDUSTRY!!

Mind you, KUDOS to that girl for having the sheer cojones to fight him off!