View Full Version : Improvement 2 reviews

09-01-08, 11:24
a) The problem with fake reviews is exacerbated by the paucity of genuine ones.
I would reckon that only a very small percentage of liaisons are reviewed.
Could you put a request at the top of the review page for customers to
become members and submit their own reviews.

b) It would help in assessing reviews if a link could be provided to the members

c) It would help in making reviews of touring girls if a way could be found to do
this for say a week after they have moved on.


10-01-08, 05:32
I agree with Driver. I'm mostly with touring girls and as a result I don't have the time to review them after my immediate service. They've been some amazing ladies that have slipped through the review process and its a shame. Nice idea Driver.

The Nature-Boy Ric Flair,
