View Full Version : Since the beginning of time?

08-04-11, 20:23
Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of what is thought to be the first gay caveman.

The skeletal remains were unearthed at an excavation site in the Czech Republic and are said to date back between 2900 and 2500 BC, indicating the bones to be about 5,000 years old.

According to research team members, the man was buried in a way reserved for women of the Corded Ware culture in the Copper Age, signifying he was of a different sexual persuasion. The man was found lying on his left side with his head facing west. Additionally, he was buried surrounded with a selection of domestic jugs, as well as an oval-shaped container at his feet usually associated with female burials.

Men were traditionally buried on their right side, head facing to the east, and surrounded by an assortment of weapons, tools, and portions of food and drink to accompany them to the next stage of death.

At a press conference on Tuesday, lead archaeologist Kamila Remisova Vesinova addressed theories that the odd positioning could be a mistake or a mere coincidence. "From history and ethnology, we know that people from this period took funeral rites very seriously so it is highly unlikely that this positioning was a mistake."

"Far more likely is that he was a man with a different sexual orientation, homosexual or transsexual," she continued.

What do you think?

GL ;)

08-04-11, 20:29

08-04-11, 20:42
Seriously though that is fascinating. Even in bygone times they were discrimated against, I suppose at the time though it was men were men etc. Where a man was the hunter gatherer and any deviation from that may have jad devestating consequences on the tribe as a whole. But even in burial they were not classed as men would suggest that he fit more into the femae indentity more than the male one. Very interesting topic GL

carlos marvado
08-04-11, 22:19
It would make a lot of sense. In ancient Greece, the Spartan hoplites when away from their homes on a military campaign were encouraged to form into pairs and sleep and have sex with their campaign partner. Then they would fight side by side, so the logic was probably that they would form a bond and therefore fight more valiantly in each other's defence. It probably also meant that if you did not watch your partners back properly and he was killed, you then would have nobody to watch your back in a battle or to mount your back when you were'nt engaging the enemy in combat.

It has also been recorded that when the Vikings raided monasteries and settlements and abducted the inhabitants to be sold or used as slaves, that it was not only the women who were sexually used on the sea journey back to Scandinavia.

If you wish to take the Bonobo Chimpanzee as an example of how some of our nearest cousins and therefore also our ancestors might have behaved millions of years ago, these guys shag each other in much the same way as we would greet each other with a hug or a kiss or a handshake.....and the gender would seem to be pretty much immaterial, so it would seem that they could be naturally or socially bisexual.

09-04-11, 13:46
I think as long as there have been humans, there have been gays.