View Full Version : Interested in joining the TOBL Management Committee?

25-03-11, 13:38

TOBL is formed as an association with a Management Committee. Our Management Committee is predominantly made up of independent female escorts, which is appropriate, as we wish to be a sex worker led association.

Officers of our Management Committee have access to private forums where we discuss our campaign. They contribute ideas and feedback, and, critically, they vote on decisions we need to make about how we want to move forward.

We are fortunate that a great group of escorts have already volunteered and joined this Management Committee. However, we feel we could benefit from having a handful more escorts join us. We have let escorts know this, and we hope some more escorts will express an interest in joining the Management Committee in the coming days. We feel we are most likely to make the best decisions for sex workers if we have a really strong sex worker-led Management Committee.

Being on the Management Committee is not the only way to get involved and help out of course, but it is one important way.

We have considered that it might be good for us to have a man / client join the Management Committee, probably only one for now, as we do want to keep the balance of the Management Committee mainly escorts, so to have a group of men join wouldn't be right.

We think it might be beneficial to us to have a man on the Management Committee to give a male opinion, after all these laws being proposed by TORL will impact on clients as well as sex workers. We are also aware we want to try to reach a broad range of people in Irish society, including men of course, and having a male opinion might help us there.

If you are a man and interested in joining the Management Committee, please send me a PM indicating your interest and feel free to add any info about yourself you think might be helpful, within the next 7 days (up to 31st March). Our Management Committee will then consider this matter, carry out a vote (which will take 7 days) and let you know.

We are also welcoming applications from escorts. There are posts about this in the private forums for escorts.

Thank you

25-03-11, 14:07
Not sure if a male non client is any use or if I would be any use but I'll throw my hat into the ring.

carlos marvado
25-03-11, 14:55
I'll add my frock coat to Qph's top hat, but I'm an ex-hobbyist rather then a serving member......tied a knot in it some time back.

25-03-11, 17:56
I'll add my frock coat to Qph's top hat, but I'm an ex-hobbyist rather then a serving member......tied a knot in it some time back.

All the better that someone like you (i.e. a bloke who isn't seeing escorts actively at present) should be the male representative on TOBL.

That way you can't be accused of ulterior motives/ vested interests.

You also have thought through the issues very carefully Carlos - as demonstrated by your posts in these sections.

I think you would be the ideal male person for the commitee Carlos. :) I second your nomination.

25-03-11, 18:00
Not sure if a male non client is any use or if I would be any use but I'll throw my hat into the ring.

Missed your post earlier QPH. I think a male non-client is the ideal person to be on the committee. (As I've alluded to above). You are the only men that can actually debate against the TORL crowd. There will be some credibilty to anything you write or say.

The TORL crowd have branded all clients as predators, so they won't be listening to anything we say. The rest of society just views us as perverts.

So I think people like yourself and Carlos would be ideal for the position.