View Full Version : Sweden..report shows SWEDEN has highest RAPE rate in Europe

10-03-11, 12:03
Torchlight: Sweden: Report Shows Sweden Has The Highest Rape Rate In Europe (http://torchlight.typepad.com/torchlight/2009/04/sweden-report-shows-sweden-has-the-highest-rape-rate-in-europe.html)

10-03-11, 12:06
Sweden tops European rape league - The Local (http://www.thelocal.se/19102/20090427/#init/fpc=6579572-12e9fa72ec8-6110a1ba-1/sessionID=1299758657224.19944/publisher=08fd736a-5574-4d5b-88d5-4a55a8a76659/onhover=true/autoclose=true/autoPosition=true/embeds=false/doneScreen=true/minorServices=true/theme=1/textRightToLeft=false/pUrl=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.thelocal.se%252F19102%252F20090427%252F/title=Sweden%2520tops%2520European%2520rape%2520league%2520-%2520The%2520Local/stLight=true)

10-03-11, 12:56
Torchlight: Sweden: Report Shows Sweden Has The Highest Rape Rate In Europe (http://torchlight.typepad.com/torchlight/2009/04/sweden-report-shows-sweden-has-the-highest-rape-rate-in-europe.html)

That article doesnt like Muslim immigrants a lot, does it?

10-03-11, 15:17
Over 5,000 rapes are reported in Sweden per annum while reports in other countries of a comparable size amounted to only a few hundred. Rape simply appears to be a more common occurrence in Sweden than in the other EU countries studied, the researchers argue. Since swedens oppressive laws were put in place in 1999 the country's rape rate has reached unprecedented levels

El Gordo
10-03-11, 20:00
In Sweden, 46 incidents of rape are reported per 100,000 residents.
That's not a large number. I'm sure the number which are unreported must be much higher. I don't think you can conclude much from studies of reported rapes, because the fraction which are reported is so small, and varies from country to country. You are much better off looking at surveys which ask people whether they have been the victim of a violent crime in the last year, and if so which one.

12-03-11, 01:56
Swedish MP calls for legalised prostitution Swedish MP calls for legalised prostitution | IceNews - Daily News (http://www.icenews.is/index.php/2010/05/23/swedish-mp-calls-for-legalised-prostitution/) , one of the objectives of the swedish law in 1999 was to reduce sexual crimes overall. But there has been a a 40% increase in reported sexual offences over the last ten years , In 2009 there were 15,700, reported sexual offenses in Sweden, a rise of 8% compared to 2008, of which 5,940 were rape and sexual harassment (including exhibitionism) accounted for 7,590 reports. In 2009, in a European Union study, the researcher stated that Sweden's high rape rate cannot be explained purely by a greater tendency to report rapes but reflected that rape was more common in Sweden. Data sourced from Wikipedia

15-03-11, 22:17
Be careful with statistic and try to see first the definition (by law) of rape in Sweden and the rest of Europe don’t jump into fast conclusion and look in deep of Assenge case. That may explain more the higher level of rape than rest of europe

15-03-11, 22:49
This would be serious if it was true, but I doubt the quality of the survey, especially if its organizer wants to get media attention. First of all it is statistically influenced by being done at a clinic and not a more common place like a school. it could have been even done in a section where rape victims are likely to be sent. Second, the formulation is also important: I've heard that Sweden tends to classify as a rape also a situation when girl agree to have a sex while being drunk, and later changes her mind.

I agree with this, they are just eyes catching story

31-03-11, 02:37
Be careful with statistic and try to see first the definition (by law) of rape in Sweden and the rest of Europe don’t jump into fast conclusion and look in deep of Assenge case. That may explain more the higher level of rape than rest of europe

Ruhama aren't careful with their "statistics". They have no respect for honesty, it's always about trying to get ahead with them.

They verbally abuse prostitutes for selling their bodies, but they are devoid of any scruples or dignity or intelligence themselves.

24-04-11, 10:03
Rape isn't about sex, it's about the eroticisation of power.... rapists rape, punters do not. Please don't lower yourselves to be categorised within a crime this big. rapists rape because they want to RAPE. it isn't about, 'oh i can't get sex any other way so i'll have to force it'. are any of YOU like that?! Probably not, or you'd be saving your money and out raping instead!
Grow a brain people.

27-04-11, 09:05
Not having this. Swedes are no more predisposed to raping or being raped as any other race. Swedish women are assertive enough to report incidences that the Swedish law classifies as rape. They are empowered enough to deal with these things on their own terms.

This is a complete red herring in the context of their prostitution laws and anyone who would raise this in a rational discussion of Swedish society risks embarrassing themselves IMO.

15-05-13, 09:09

Backlash against militant feminism right there