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22-09-10, 13:15
Pop icon George Michael has started his four-week prison sentence...

Is it because he is GAY? (after his 'lewd' behaviour in LA)

GL :p

22-09-10, 13:21
It's only because he is famous that he hasn't been sent to jail before now.. Nothing to do with Gay but IMO he should have been sent to a female prison because a male jail is just like sending him to a free brothel if you ask me..

22-09-10, 13:27
Pop icon George Michael has started his four-week prison sentence...

Is it because he is GAY? (after his 'lewd' behaviour in LA)

GL :p

Primarily because he was out his tits on joints and crashing his motor.

22-09-10, 19:24
IMHO, this is simply a case of some d-bag finally getting what was coming to him. Vury little sympathy for him.

22-09-10, 19:28
Never mind him being gay , it's because he's famous and rich as flip that he's only doing 4 weeks at most , instead of a helluva lot longer like he deserves

22-09-10, 21:14
Well it must have been a shock when he was outed the way he was in LA that time (public toilet incident). No tea and sympathy for him then?

GL ;)

22-09-10, 21:28
Well it must have been a shock when he was outed the way he was in LA that time (public toilet incident). No tea and sympathy for him then?

GL ;)

He is famous, and knew the risks he was running. Wasn't there speculation at the time that he wanted to be caught?

He got jail time this time around because he did not learn his lesson that he was putting peoples' lives at risk. I suspect he got a shorter sentence than he deserved due to the fact that he is famous.