View Full Version : Should we give humanitarian aid?

25-06-10, 13:55
Should we give humanitarian aid to countries who do not recognise Gay/Lesbian/Bi-sexual/Transgender people as humans? (their rights)

GL :rolleyes:

25-06-10, 14:21
Should we give humanitarian aid to countries who do not recognise Gay/Lesbian/Bi-sexual/Transgender people as humans? (their rights)

GL :rolleyes:

Yes. People should be given aid if they need it. Put their politcal socail and religious views to one side and give to those in need.
I know im going to get shouted down by this , with people saying if they cant treat their own humainly why should we, but bottom line is life is life and if they are in need of aid they should get it

25-06-10, 18:04
Well said doozer, treat people the you'd like to be treated not the way they treat you. Kill your enemies with kindness.

25-06-10, 20:53
certainly yes, but what will be done with this aid is another thing. If only we could be sure that aid sent to any country reaches the ppl who need it.

25-06-10, 21:04
So give regardless?


El Gordo
25-06-10, 21:20
Realistically, Irish aid isn't important enough to any country that they would change their policies in order to keep it. So you wouldn't be doing anything positive for GLBT people there, you'd just be making them slightly poorer.

04-07-10, 21:25
Uganda, Ireland sign five-year 166 million Euro aid package (http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/world/2010-06/30/c_13377589.htm)

BBC News - Uganda fear over gay death-penalty plans (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8412962.stm)

Complain here
Michel Martin TD (http://www.michealmartin.ie/)
Micheál Martin, TD | Fianna Fáil (http://www.fiannafail.ie/people/micheal-martin)

P.S. I am not gay

05-07-10, 00:32
Realistically, Irish aid isn't important enough to any country that they would change their policies in order to keep it. So you wouldn't be doing anything positive for GLBT people there, you'd just be making them slightly poorer.

Ireland is amongst the worlds biggest givers per capita. We can all make a difference El G.


05-07-10, 09:04
The people in need of aid are generally the ones who dont make any policies

05-07-10, 09:20
Aid should be given to all creeds and classes reguardless of their sexuality as long as they need it.Sexual preferences should not come into the equation.

05-07-10, 14:38
The people in need of aid are generally the ones who dont make any policies

They do have policies...STEAL as much of the (people's) money and hide it in a Swiss/Cayman Island bank account's & or buy the most expensive London real estate they can get their sticky little hands on :).

So I guess the general consensus is that money should be given regardless of a countries domestic humanitarian policies!


Alec Horan
06-07-10, 01:33
They do have policies...STEAL as much of the (people's) money and hide it in a Swiss/Cayman Island bank account's & or buy the most expensive London real estate they can get their sticky little hands on :).

So I guess the general consensus is that money should be given regardless of a countries domestic humanitarian policies!


Thats not a particularly well thought out argument Gaylord.

You were talking about aid for people that need it - Of course you help them, If a child is starving but his folks are homophobic will you feed that child ? or if a man is starving and he is a racist or sexist or in some manner not the sort of person that agrees with all your beliefs should you allow him to starve. I think not.

If we do then we have become a vengeful God. Who is to say we would not have been like him had we been brought up in the same environment.

06-07-10, 02:18
I don't think Ireland is in a fit financial state to be giving money away as aid. We can't even run our own affairs at the moment. Plus we spend 90 million euro a year on Asylum Seekers that keep coming in. Its very unsustainable and dangerous. The only reason Ireland signs up to these things is to look generous to the international community. Its bollox.