What To Do If Your Penis Snapped During Sex!

Accidents can happen during sex. Condoms can break because of a lack of lube or because they are too small. They can slip off if they are too big. Injuries during sex are also common, but we’d much rather avoid them. Of course, it isn’t always possible to, no matter how careful you are.

What To Do If Your Penis Snapped During Sex!

The worst nightmare for many involves breaking your penis. The wrong movement at the wrong time could leave your penis snapped. It’s painful, and if it happens to you then you need to do something about it. Here’s how you need to act.

How does it happen?

You might be reading the words ‘penis snapped’ and thinking “how can it snap?” and “there’s no bone to break”. You’d be right about the latter, but it is possible to snap a penis. It’s usually referred to as a penile fracture. It is very real and those who experience it say that it is very painful. I’m not surprised by that, and I hope you never experience it.

I could tell you how a penis can break, but I’d rather leave it to the expects. Read the following from Lloyds Pharmacy to get a better understanding:

“When you’re aroused, blood flow to your penis increases 16-fold, causing an erection. When erect, the membranes containing all that blood are under pressure, or ‘hard’. Think of them like little balloons: with no air inside, a balloon is soft and can be bent or manipulated without damaging it, but when it’s inflated the skin is pulled tight making it more brittle, so extreme twisting, bending or forceful shock will cause it to pop. That pop? That’s a penis fracture.”

Originally from Lloyds Pharmacy

So that’s what happens when you’ve broken your dick… but how do you get to that point? It comes from blunt force to the penis. Typically this is when you thrust hard and hit something. It might be your partner’s pubic bone. You can also break it in a fall.

When that happens, you’ll hear it snap. Pain, loss of erection, swelling, bruising, and urinating problems all come next. You don’t need me to tell you that it’s a big deal. Hell, if your penis snapped, I’m hoping you’ll act on it! But some people don’t.

It's painful to read about, but imagine if you actually experience it!
Original source: Gfy Cat

A lack of action…

There are tons of reasons why someone won’t act when their penis snapped. Embarrassment is a big reason for it. Who wants to go to their doctor and say “I think I’ve snapped my cock”? No-one. So they stay quiet and hope it goes away.

Obviously that doesn’t work. No surprises there. But if you don’t take action you could cause serious permanent damage to your cock. What would you rather: be a bit embarrassed because a doctor saw your dick, or have a penis that doesn’t work properly? Yeah, I thought so too.

If you don’t act quickly, you’ll have difficulty urinating. You might also experience painful erections… if you can have them at all. That’s right, you could have erectile dysfunction if you don’t get someone to check your cock out. Do yourself a favour and follow my advice if your penis snapped… and hope it doesn’t end like the video below!

What you need to do

If you think your penis snapped, you’re going to be in a lot of pain. You’re also going to panic. I’m not going to be daft and tell you not to panic. It’s natural to in that situation. But you do need to act fast. The faster you act, the better your chance of recovery.

Go to the emergency room. Be honest with them about what happened. Lying is going to complicate matters, and you want them to treat the problem. Then you’ll be examined by a doctor. If you have broken your dick, they’ll operate to repair the damage.

You’ll be told to avoid sex for a minimum of six weeks to help with the healing process. The doctor might also give you medication to reduce your sex drive for a while. It’ll mean fewer erections, so your cock will heal fully. When treated quickly, a majority of men find that function returns back to normal. So act fast!

A quick response is going to help save your dick
Original source: Tenor

Has your penis snapped before?

I’ve never been in a situation where a partner’s penis snapped, but there have been near misses. Once, my partner’s bango string tore during sex. It was bloody and scary. Sex injuries are also pretty common, so the chances are you’ve been in a similar situation.

My fingers are crossed that you never have to deal with an injury, especially not a snapped cock. If you’re unlucky, you now know what to do. Act fast and everything should be fine!

Lara Mills
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