Amateur porn is fast becoming one of the most popular categories to watch on many websites. It is the perfect kind of porn to watch with your partner, as these are real people having sex, and it all seem more realistic – which is an even bigger turn on.
We should really be taking lessons for amateur porn and putting them to good use in the bedroom. So just what can you learn about sex from amateur porn? Here on the Escort Ireland blog we take a look at the best bits of amateur porn videos and how they can make our sex in the bedroom better.
Real people!
For a start, amateur porn is shot with real people in real places. They haven’t spent a lot of their budget trying to source the perfect location, and they are doing it because they want to. They want to fuck on camera and get off on the idea of others wanking off while watching it.
Because it’s real people, you tend not to see the “perfect” bodies of porn stars. How many porn videos have you watched where the man’s dick could be used as a weapon, if he so chose to do so, and the women have the biggest and fakest tits you’ve ever seen?
The real people in amateur porn have real figures. You will see every size of tit in the videos, and every size of cock! There is no “perfect figure”, which can be a huge boost for you are your partner.
Basically, no-one is perfect. There might be a stereotype of what works in porn, but in amateur porn you can see absolutely anything.
Pleasure is key
Pleasure is a big part of amateur porn, and that makes it quite different from professionally shot porn. With the expensive camera, hot lights, and big crew behind the camera, it can be difficult for the actors, and the women in particular, to have an actual orgasm.
Professional porn can last for hours, with the main pounding away at the woman’s pussy while she moans and groans in a way that is actually more of a turn off than a turn on.
Amateur porn, although it tends to go by a lot quicker, has a real focus on the pleasure. It isn’t a case of “wham, bam, thank you mam” but also isn’t a five hour epic into one man’s ability to keep his orgasm back.
So what can we learn from that? We should be spending more time focusing on the pleasure of our other half, instead of trying to get ourselves there. You will get a hell of a lot better sex in return if you can manage to get your partner to come over and over again.
The positions we see in professional porn are done so that the camera can get nice and close as the cock slides into that tight pussy over and over again, and so you end up blowing your load quicker as you beat off to it.
On the other hand, the positions in amateur porn are done, again, purely for the pleasure of the couple. Sometimes, one of them will get up to move the camera, but most of the time it is one continuous and steady shot of them banging away.
Sometimes, the positions that you see porn stars contorting themselves into aren’t possible for us mere humans. They aren’t practical or fun for the participants, and simply look good for the camera.
Make a note of the regular positions you see in amateur porn. These are the ones that you will not only be able to do very easily, but they are also the ones that will bring you and your partner the most pleasure. Try them out and see if you find a new favourite.
After watching so much porn, you’ll find the same faces, pussies, cocks, and asses showing up over and over again, and when that happens it can be a bit of a turn off.
Amateur porn tends to have a lot more variety. You will see plenty of sexy BBWs, as well as petite ladies waiting to suck the cock of their boyfriends.
They will also have sex anywhere and everywhere. You’ll see lots of videos in bedrooms, but there are also plenty that take you to other rooms around the house and even out in public. Some feature changing room blowjobs, while others have pussy-eating in the backseat of a car.
The lesson to be learned here? Mix it up a bit, and ad some variety to your sex life. Don’t just do the same things over and over again hoping that, one day, your partner will magically orgasm after having struggled to get there for a while. If you aren’t the type to stick with just one partner, that is okay too… just remember to keep your cock covered with a condom before you go plunging to new depths.
Toys are fun
When you look at professional porn, not a lot of them feature sex toys in them. Occasionally, they’ll make an appearance, but then they will magically disappear again, only to be replaced by a big dick.
A lot of amateur porn has women on their own, pleasuring themselves with a few toys and making themselves come on camera for you. Sometimes, their partner will get involved and help them, but you still get to watch the amateur porn star coming using the toys.
Why not try using some sex toys in the bedroom? You don’t have to jump straight in with a big dildo – you can instead get a small vibrating bullet or some ties to strap them to the bed while you fuck them to orgasm. Talk to your partner and see what they are willing to try with you.
Do you prefer amateur porn, or do you like nothing better than the professional porn stars showing you how it is done? Let us know by checking out the Escort Ireland forum, or leave a comment in the box below.
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