We can’t always be studs in the bedroom. Sometimes, things go wrong. It might be that a position just doesn’t work for us, or it might be something else that means you have trouble staying hard. When this happens it can leave you feeling pretty terrible, and we often feel like we have to reach for the pills to make it all better.
Not that case. There are so many different things that you can do to make staying hard a reality during sex, and many of them are things that you can do without the embarrassment of seeing your doctor. Why not take a look at the five tricks below for staying hard during sex?
1. Watch what you eat
Food is fantastic, especially when you take it into the bedroom. Not many people can see a big slice of cake in a cafe and resist buying it to devour then and there, but these bad eating habits might actually be impacting your ability to keep an erection.

Various pieces of research have suggested that the same eating habits that could cause heart attacks because of restrictive blood flow might actually cause erectile dysfunction. The food you eat could make staying hard more difficult, so what can you do? Irwin Goldstein, MD and director of sexual medicine at the San Diego Alvarado Hospital, states that “the link between the Mediterranean diet and improved sexual function has been scientifically established”, so eating more exotic dishes might be the key to better erections!
2. Keep fit
As much as we might love food, it is important to have a healthy balance in your life. Exercise is a great way to achieve this balance. When you are feeling stressed about work or just need to let off some steam, hitting the gym can be a great way of doing it. Sure, you might not feel as good during the session as you do afterwards, but that little high of achievement makes it all worth it in the end.

If that wasn’t a good enough excuse to pick up the weights or get your heart racing with some cardio, this might convince you. Many forms of aerobic exercise, such as running and swimming, can actually help to prevent erectile dysfunction. Just be careful, as it has also been suggested that riding a bike for an extended period of time can cause problems with your penis, as it puts “excessive pressure on the perineum”. So, running and swimming are great, but bike riding? Not so much.
3. Learn to relax
One of the biggest cause of erectile dysfunction is stress. When you have a stressful work or home environment, it can really ruin your sex life. You might even start to worry that you won’t be able to keep it up in the bedroom, and so your erection disappears faster than your motivation to get into the office first thing in the morning.

To fix this, you need to learn to relax. Teaching yourself some great relaxation techniques can really help you out. Something as simple as taking a long bath can help, as when you feel better emotionally, you’ll finding that staying hard is a lot easier and no longer a concern.
4. Use sex toys
There are numerous things that you can do in the bedroom to spice things up, and introducing sex toys is a popular idea. It is also a fantastic way to help with erectile dysfunction. Certain toys can be used to help increase your sensitivity, which can then make it easier to maintain an erection.

One sex toy that many love to use is the cock ring. The ring fits snugly around the base of your penis, limiting the blood flowing out of the penis once you have your erection. This can help to keep your cock harder for longer during sex, and some come with vibrating bullets attached. This will feel good for you and your partner, so why not try it?
5. Edging
If you have trouble keeping your cock rock solid, it might be an idea to just take it as it comes. A good way to do that is to try edging. Edging is a technique that many people talk about when they are having trouble lasting long enough in bed, but it can also really help you to maintain and erection.
When you feel you are losing the erection, simply stop the fun and try something else. Slow, gentle strokes with your hands all over your partner’s body will help to keep her turned on, and you might find that it arouses you. Your erection will come back with enough stimulation, giving you the chance to really enjoy yourself!
When staying hard is too tough
While these tricks above can really help you, sometimes it isn’t enough. There will be some days when you cannot manage, when staying hard is just too tough. When this happens, it is important to not beat yourself up about it. You can’t help it, and if you have an understanding partner, they’ll help you see that there are plenty of other things you can do.

If you find that it is a persistent problem in your life, you may need to see your doctor. It can be nerve-racking to do this, and while it seems like it would be embarrassing, your doctor will have heard it all before. Take the time and you might just find a solution that allows you to maintain your erection for even longer!
Got some other techniques that you have heard of and wish to share? Then use the comment box below. Join in the discussion there and you might uncover a few fantastic techniques to try.
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