Tag Archives: Sex talk

Sex Facts We Don’t Talk About

Are you tired of only hearing all the amazing, and even surrealistic aspects of sex? How can you expect a normal, human experience when movies, commercials and even society tell you so much crap about having graceful, rhythmic and artistic sex? And if you love each other it will definitely make you orgasm at the same time. Really? Is that what you should all expect from every sexual intercourse? Should you be disappointed if the fireworks don’t happen? Continue reading Sex Facts We Don’t Talk About

Porn Versus Celebrity Nudes

Every man in the world will forever remember the day that nudes of Jennifer Lawrence leaked. An auspicious sun had crept from behind the clouds, casting golden shadows across the land. Your eyes cast lazily over the computer screen, scanning for new emails and news updates. And then you see it: you suddenly focus and your thoughts become sharp and exact, every fibre of your body crawling with disbelief, for Jennifer Lawrence has had a set of nude photos leaked. Continue reading Porn Versus Celebrity Nudes

Does Penis Size Really Matter?

It’s the age old question that befuddles every generation of men, does penis size really matter to a woman? There are so many aides out there to help you grow those extra inches- pills, creams, even implants and there is more men than ever before booking surgery to enhance their instruments, but how much do we really need these extra inches? Continue reading Does Penis Size Really Matter?