Tag Archives: sex study

BDSM Lovers ‘Healthier’ Than Those Into Vanilla!

For those hoping to find the perfect reason to jump into bed, you’ll be happy to know that sex is actually good for you. There are plenty of amazing benefits to diving under the sheets with a partner, and they include everything from helping you keep your blood pressure down to giving your body a fighting chance against colds. It turns out that even the type of sex you are having could make a difference to your health. Continue reading BDSM Lovers ‘Healthier’ Than Those Into Vanilla!

University Wants To Film You Having Sex!

Some of us love the idea of being watched in the bedroom. Whether it is by our partner through a webcam when they are away or by another couple as you try out swinging, there is great appeal in being watched. Many people love the thrill of exhibition sex. It is a kinky thing to watch someone getting up to naughty things, and it is even hotter if you are being watched. Now, a university is hoping to watch you at it. Continue reading University Wants To Film You Having Sex!

A Mushroom Can Give Women Spontaneous Orgasms!

We can all get a little fussy when it comes to food. We have certain things that we just don’t want anywhere near our plates, and we might even pick them out of a meal if we discover them hiding beneath the layers of delicious food… but it seems that we might have a reason to be enjoying mushrooms more, and that is because of the promise of orgasms! Continue reading A Mushroom Can Give Women Spontaneous Orgasms!