Tag Archives: security

The Ultimate Guide For Escorts

It is fair to say that not all escorts who works on this site are experienced. Hey, we all have to start somewhere no matter what our job is. Also, not every client is a good guy. Most are, but a number are assholes. Therefore it is important that an escort knows what they are doing from the word go, because if they don’t they could be in danger of getting ripped off, or maybe something even worse happening. Continue reading The Ultimate Guide For Escorts

How Not to Get Caught Seeing Escorts

Being discreet about your sexual life is not mandatory, but most people like to have their personal life kept private. This doesn’t mean you are an introvert and you never talk about anything that relates to your own way of living. It’s just that there are some things that aren’t anybody else’s, but your business. And seeing escorts is one of them. Continue reading How Not to Get Caught Seeing Escorts

The Laura Lee Blog – 127 Years Later

Originally from Limerick, Mary Kelly arrived in the UK at a young age and spent her early years in Cardiff. Following the breakdown of her marriage, Kelly arrived in the West End of London and became a sex worker. On the face of it she appeared content. She had love interests and a great working relationship with other street sex workers in the area. She was a kind soul and known for taking other sex workers into her home; those who had fallen on hard times. As we say in Ireland she was “fond of a drink” and on the night she died, she was heard by several witnesses, merrily singing Irish tunes; never to be heard from again. Continue reading The Laura Lee Blog – 127 Years Later