Tag Archives: new years eve

Should I Have Sex With My BFF This New Year?

New Year’s Eve is on its way and most of us on this site will be looking to get sex. The options are endless, if not always successful. There are men and women you meet on a night out, there are ex partners also. However, even more problematic than that latter option is the occasion when you have sex with your BFF. That is a person’s best friend, for anyone who is of an age (like me to be fair) where these anacronym’s come across as a bit juvenile. Still, if you are partying and putting yourself in the position to have sex with your best friend, you are likely at an age where saying ‘BFF’ doesn’t make you sound like a sad old person trying to recapture their youth. Continue reading Should I Have Sex With My BFF This New Year?

Book an Escort For New Year Right Now

It is New Year’s Eve and we will find that if we are planning to do anything, our nights will consist of one of three things. Firstly there is the nightclub who ramp up their admission and drink prices for the night in an annoying, money-grabbing exercise. Then there is the local pub full of the same drunk people you would find usually, just even more drunk. Finally there is the house party where after a good first hour, everyone sits around the room channel hopping for something that isn’t dog shit. Neither option is great, so why don’t you consider getting an escort for some company this new year? Continue reading Book an Escort For New Year Right Now