I was messing around on Twitter on Thursday before I started work. I would like to say it was to find good content, but in all honesty I was checking to see whether Nabil Fekir had signed for Liverpool yet. However, when I saw Germaine Greer trending I realised something controversial was happening, and like a car crash on the other side of the road, I couldn’t look away. Continue reading Germaine Greer – ‘Rape Should Get You Community Service’ – Is She Right?
Tag Archives: feminism
Banning Grid Girls – Are We Entering a Feminist Led Puritanical Age?
If you haven’t been on Mars in the last week you will be aware that Formula One is getting rid of ‘Grid Girls’. For those who may not have looked further than the headline, Grid Girls are/were scantily clad women who used to walk around the grid before a race adding a sense of glitz and glamour to the event. Continue reading Banning Grid Girls – Are We Entering a Feminist Led Puritanical Age?
The Ruhamians are Back!
Well today is the feminist anti-prostitution lobby event in Paris. Unsurprisingly, we will have a vocal Irish presence over there, making the case for depriving women of the choice of what they can and can’t do with their own bodies. Continue reading The Ruhamians are Back!