Tag Archives: clients

The Girlfriend Experience – A Different Type Of Meeting

We all know the traditional meeting with a sex worker. You go in, pay, have sex, and then leave. It isn’t very passionate but that is OK because you are there for one reason. However, for many that feels like a soulless experience and that is why the girlfriend experience, or ‘GFE’ is becoming such a popular booking. Continue reading The Girlfriend Experience – A Different Type Of Meeting

5 Types Of Clients That Sex Workers Hate

In the wake of Laura Lee’s granted right to judicial review of the law that criminalises sex buyers, I thought that a blog about sex work and sex workers is needed. Whether a person would be a prostitute, a pornstar, an escort, a mistress, an erotic masseuse, a gigolo, a master, that person would be providing customer service to his or her client that involves coitus, hence the term ‘sex worker’. Continue reading 5 Types Of Clients That Sex Workers Hate