Sexual Scents That Can Affect Her Desire

When certain scents are inhaled, they can trigger old memories or certain feelings. For decades, scientists have tested men and women’s responses to scents in relation to their sexual arousal. Their results show that certain scents can be used to promote sensuality and stimulation. So there might not be a miracle musk, but choosing the right scent could put your woman in the mood. Here are some of the tried and tested scents:


Like oysters, lavender has been associated with sensuality throughout history. It is said that Cleopatra used lavender to seduce Julius Ceasar and Mark Anthony. More recently, it has become customary to put lavender under the pillow of newlyweds to increase their sexual appetite. There are plenty of lavender scented candles and incense on the market, so getting hold of some won’t be difficult. Next time you plan a romantic night in, light a few lavender scented candles and get ready for a night of passion.

mysterious woman in fetish mask seducing man


Vanilla is one of the most potent and universal romantic scents. However, studies have shown that vanilla can also act as an aphrodisiac. Thomas Jefferson has been credited with bringing the spice to the U.S in the late 18th century, and it is believed he used vanilla beans to spice up his love life. Vanilla’s relaxing and romantic qualities have long been recognised, and have been added to perfumes, teas and foods to stimulate sexual tendencies. Vanilla candles can be found almost everywhere; vanilla extract is stocked in most supermarkets and vanilla soap or bath bombs can be found in Boots and similar shops. So next time you run your partner a bath, pop some vanilla bath salts in and offer to pamper her. She’ll soon want to repay the favour.

Liquorice and Cucumber

This is a bit of an off combination, but has been proven to dramatically increase sexual arousal. In the late 90s, Alan Hirsch of the ‘Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation’ in Chicago (yes, really), conducted research to discover which scents effectively increased sexual desire. After exposing subjects to a variety of scents, he concluded that liquorice and cucumber was the most effective in triggering a response; both in women and men.

Hirsch theorises that this particular scent makes women feel more comfortable and subsequently lowers their anxiety levels. A relaxed woman is generally more open to advances, and is also more likely to explore new fantasies. Combine a cucumber air freshener and liquorice tea, and you are on to a winner. Some speciality shops may sell liquorice candles, and there’s always cucumber soaps and shampoos too. Try a variety of combinations and see what pushes the right buttons.


Banana Nut Bread

In the same experiment, Hirsch found that the smell of banana nut bread was virtually as effective as liquorice and cucumber. What is the best way to make your house smell like banana nut bread? You’ll be surprised to hear that after, what feel likes, hours of researching we could not find a single place that stocks Banana nut bread scented products. So the simple solution is to bake some. The next time you offer to cook dinner, dish this up for dessert. Not only will you impress your date, but you’ll have a great dessert and the smell of baked goods could get you in the sack sooner than you expected.


Peppermint oil has been used to treat an upset stomach, control muscle aches, clear congestion and relieve pain. However, few know of its ability to titillate and invigorate both men and women, giving your sex life an almighty boost. Furthermore, peppermint smells great on your breath, hiding cigarette/coffee/alcohol breath and making you a more attractive kisser. Peppermint tea can be found in most supermarkets, or you can find peppermint oil in many baking section and simply add a small amount to baked goods or herbal teas. You could also buy peppermint air freshener, which is likely to spice up the atmosphere in your bedroom!


A little jasmine is said to relieve tension, calm the soul and set the stage for romance. Jasmine can enhance mood, therefore increasing your ability to charm the pants off your partner. Jasmine tends to be a little more specialised than other scents mentioned in this article. Head to a reputable aromatherapy shop to get some jasmine oil, and offer your partner a sensual massage after a long day at work. Jasmine tea is also available and can be served after dinner on a chilly night.

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The right scent in the air could boost your sex life, but remember it’s no miracle formula. Plan a romantic evening and use scents sparingly to add to the atmosphere. Don’t overpower your partner, or date, in a toxic cloud of Jasmine or Lavender. Also, try to avoid mixing too many smells. If you are planning a romantic spa night, try to find similar scented candles and soap – too many scents will be overwhelming. If you are struggling to choose the right scent, or get the balance right – talk to a Dublin escort over a booking. They’ll be able to suggest right combination of scents that are guaranteed to work wonders.

Martin Ward
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