How To Prepare For an MFF Threesome

Imagine a scene where two or more people are in a dark room having sex in the same bed. The atmosphere is heated, and you can see on their faces how the lust is empowering them. Is this familiar for you? Well, these kinds of sexual fantasies are one of the most extended in the collective imagination. As a result of this much has been written about the threesome. We know that this idea could arise in a long monogamous relationship, but also in the head of a single person who wants to have many different sex experiences.

two women on knees in front of guy

An MFF threesome is when two ladies are going to do naughty things with a man. There is another context where two men are with a woman, but we will talk about it another day. So, the place you chose for the encounter (a bed, a coach or a bathroom) doesn’t really matter, but there is a priority in a threesome: consensual and safe sex. Once you are aware of this, the next big detail that you have to think is about it asking yourself with who are you going to do the MFF threesome.

You and your partner have a guest in your sheets

Because a threesome is a popular sexual fantasy, it’s very common to see a man proposing to his partner to invite a lady to have sex with them. If this is your case, pay attention to her reactions, they will give you clues. Maybe, she has this fantasy too, but it’s embarrassing for her. Most women get horny when they see lesbian porn, so it’s not misconceived to think she would like to participate in a threesome.

If this is your case, you are a lucky man, and before the celebration, both of you have to talk about the rules you are going to follow. Decide beforehand what you can do and what you can’t with the guest. Maybe you just can watch the ladies, while they are playing with each other, or your partner may not have any problem if you have full contact with the other woman. These are vital points that you should talk about from the beginning.

If she says doesn’t want you to have contact for the first time, respect her. It’s better than pressuring her. If she gives up just to make you happy, the experience could be a complete disaster and your relationship could suffer. It’s usual to hear stories about couples that break up after a threesome. Once again, communication is the key.

An encounter with two unknown ladies

At this moment of your life, nobody is going to ask you for explanations. There aren’t strings attached, so you have a clear path to meet two hot girls or mature women to become the main player of the ménage à trois. Well, despite this freedom, we can go over some tips that could turn a great sex experience into the greatest one that you ever had.

Let’s talk about time. At the moment of truth, it’s not easy to satisfy one person in the bed, and the bad news is that you may feel pressure when you have to please two people. Focusing your attentions upon one could upset to the third party. So, try to split your time equally for both ladies, and without rushing. Passion will emerge naturally.

In addition, there is another frequent question: when should the MFF threesome finish? Well, the main subject is to enjoy and feel comfortable every moment. There aren’t standard rules, it’s something that you are going to see, while you are in the middle of the play. So, there is not a concrete answer. Keep in mind that if you want to finish the play at any moment, or you need some minutes to take a breather, just say it. Surely, the wonderful ladies will understand you. At the end, an MFF threesome could be mind-blowing, so get ready with the ladies you will find on our page and prepare yourself for an unforgettable experience.

Stella McGregor
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