Pre-Marital Sex ‘Leads to Rape, Prostitution and Drug Abuse’

I have to say, I have always wanted women to stay safe. I hate my girlfriend walking home on her own at night so I pick her up. As soon as my daughter is old enough, she will be taught the virtues of safe sex (her mother can do the intimate stuff) Still, there are just some people who take it way too far, and use it to push a political agenda.

‘Choose Purity’

This is why I found this story so shocking. The Las Vegas’ police co-sponsored an event for girls and their parents called “Choose Purity.” The event preached abstinence and made it clear that premarital sex can lead to rape, prostitution, and a life on hard drugs.

young couple in bed

Yes, I too nearly fell off my chair. But it gets better!

Participants were treated to “Toe Tag Monologues,” where actresses “gave dramatic performances told from the perspective of one girl who had died after abusing diet pills and one who had died after catching a sexually transmitted disease whilst working as a prostitute. The performances concluded with each girl getting on a gurney and then into a body bag.” Participants also got the chance to see recorded interviews with pimps and prostitutes, as well as one woman who lost her limbs in a meth lab explosion.

I can perfectly understand people choosing to stay away from pre-marital sex, and even promoting this as a lifestyle. It may work for them, and it is then up to the individual to make a choice about what they want to do in their own lives. Still, this level of scaremongering is ridiculous.

Look at it this way. I read somewhere that 95% of Americans have pre-marital sex. I have no figures to hand, but i imagine that the number who have their arms and legs blown off in a meth lab accident is significantly lower.

A Proper Debate

I think kids can smell bullshit. If you want to get your message across, it is probably a better idea to tell them the truth. If you just try to worry them, then, in the end, they will know what you say is nonsense, and do the opposite.

Naked man fondles naked womans breasts and vagina from behind

In anything, it is best to be honest and have a proper debate. When you read some of the press you would think every Dublin escort was trafficked or coerced, when in fact almost all have made a career choice to do this kind of work. Instead of painting all escorts with the same brush, we should accept that fact, and work on how to get the dodgy people out of the industry, and keep the vulnerable safe.

As in all things, we shouldn’t let moralism get in the way helping people make the right choices for them!

Martin Ward
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