The One Man Dating Site!

Have you ever tried online dating? It is a strange and mysterious world that not many people get to grips with. I’ve tried it before, and it hasn’t ended well for me. Now, I just stick to going on dates with people I’ve met.
Woman on tablet

That is why a lot of people come here to Escort Ireland. You get to enjoy a date with a beautiful escort without the fuss of online dating.

However, for one New Yorker, he is determined to find love and is giving online dating one final shot. This last shot has involved him setting up his own dating website just for him. That’s right. No-one else is on it. Just him.

A strange idea

The idea originally just started as a joke, which seems to have gone way too far. In an interview Brandon Scott Wolf (the only user on the site) said that “it was a really funny idea and I was like, ‘you know what? I’m going to make this’.”

So he set up the website. It’s a very simple website, with a homepage featuring a video about the site and the man himself, and a sign up page.

Since it started, he has received roughly 20 applications a day, which is bound to shoot up with the publicity he has been getting lately!

About the man

Mr Brandon Scott Wolf, lone single on the website completely dedicated to him, as filled out a brief profile about him for you to read.

Reading through it, we learn that he is a college educated bartender living in the Big Apple. He states that he is “definitely open to casual dating” (as most people on dating sites seem to be) but “would prefer to meet someone who wants to get into a more serious relationship”.

If that hasn’t won you over, he also seems to like using the word LOL (yes, capitalised) in his profile, to show you just how witty and funny he is.

Personality test

You even get the chance to sign up and complete a personality test, which Wolf will read through to see if you are compatible. Honestly, something like that sounds like a great idea. How many dating websites these days are saying they will test how compatible you are with someone?

However, I decided to take a look at questions on this test. Some were standard, asking for your email address, age, and religion, but others don’t seem to have been very well thought out.

On the “what is your gender” and “what is your sexual preference” questions you have three options: male/men, female/women, and Caucasian. Yes. Caucasian is now a gender (as well as a religion, according to another question). On the “what is your favorite book” question, you get a total of four to select… all of which can be found in the ‘Harry Potter’ series. I’m not even going to start on the one asking you to describe a moment “that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood”!
Couple on a coffee shop date

Good luck to him!

In a way, it is a clever way of thinking. By setting up his own dating website just for him, he can meet people who are just looking to date him.

On the other hand, with such narrow (and strange) questions to answer, how can he expect to meet someone?

Just because they agree with you and you have similar tastes, doesn’t mean you are going to be a perfect match. A friend of mine is unhappily married because she is too similar to her husband, and one of the happiest couples I know have very little in common.

Would you set up a dating site just for you? How do you think you’d do on a personality test for dating this guy? Comment in the box below or head to the Escort Ireland forum to talk about this hot topic further.

Lara Mills
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