The Five Most Bizarre Sex Crimes Ever

Let me start by saying, sex crimes aren’t funny. They usually have a very bad effect on those who are the victims and they are a scourge on society. However, that doesn’t take away from the fact that some of them are pretty damn bizarre.

Man in handcuffs

Bearing this in mind, I had a look around the internet and I found some absolutely crazy ones. They range from amusing to rather disturbing. It has certainly opened my eyes this morning.

Here goes.

1) The Inflatable Object Shagger

Edwin Tobergta of Hamilton, Ohio, was first arrested in 2002 for having sex with an inflatable pumpkin that was part of a Halloween display.

However, things only got worse from there. In August 2011, he stole an inflatable pink pool raft from one of his neighbours, took it to an alley and had sex with it. For some reason, his neighbour took it back and kept it. Big mistake.

On July 15, 2013, seeing his lost love proved too much for Tobergta, who once again stole the exact same pink raft. This time he had sex with it in from in the middle of an area where kids were playing, and was subsequently jailed for 11 months.

We can only hope the raft was thrown out this time.

inflatable lounger

2) The Toe Sucker

South Carolina’s Joey Leaphart says he approaches women in public areas, asks them if he can suck their toes, sometimes offers to pay, and moves on if they say no. However, this doesn’t always seem to be the case.

Once he tricked an 18 year old girl in a Georgia Walmart into thinking he was from America’s Funniest Home Videos, and offered to pay her if she helped him out.

Firstly he asked to see her foot, she agreed. Then he asked for a picture of her foot, she agreed again, thinking all the time it was a gag video.

It was at this point he took her behind a clothing rack and started sucking her toes. As she screamed for him to stop, he told her how good it tasted. He then ran out of the shop and was promptly arrested.


3) The Manure Masterbator

Starting in 2005, David Truscott, who was in his mid-thirties, began visiting a farm in Redruth, Cornwall, in the UK. He quickly got a fascination with the manure that was found there.

Firstly he took it with him, and quickly moved on to smearing himself in it whilst jerking off. Between 2005 and 2011, he was jailed three times for this bizarre offending

Things certainly got worse though. The owners became rather irritated by this so started removing the manure, and putting up bollards. This pissed Truscott off so he decided to set part of the farm on fire, killing a calf in the process.

He was jailed for ten years.

cow manure

4) The Hair Lover

Jared Walter, 22, of Portland, was arrested, for cutting women’s hair, on the bus, and even putting superglue in it on occasion. He was jailed for two years.

It got worse though. Less than two months after being released in 2013, he was busted for masturbating and ejaculating in the hair of at least three women. He got another two years.

Still, he couldn’t keep out of trouble. Despite being banned form the TriMet transportation system upon his release in 2014, he was done for cutting the hair of a woman in a dollar store line.

Guess what? He went back to jail.

hair cutting

5) The Dart Thrower

On June 13, 1990, in New York City, a woman reported someone had shot her in the buttocks with a small homemade needle dart.

It didn’t stop there. From June 13 to July 7, 55 women, all of them well dressed in skirts or business attire, were pricked by a dart..

The strange serial assaults came to an end on July 10, when 33-year-old Jerome Wright was arrested and three witnesses picked him out of a lineup. After some legal manoeuvring, he escaped any jail time.

Well, there you go. They do say it takes all sorts, but I think we can all agree we could happily do without this bunch.


I need a lie down.

Martin Ward
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