US Man Breaks Government Computer Network By Downloading Dodgy Porn

An employee who downloaded porn at the US Geological Survey (USGS) led to a government network becoming infected with malware, an official report has revealed.

Angry man on computer


The person (I am going to guess it was a man for some reason) who has not been named, is said to have an ‘extensive porn habit’ and seriously damaged the operating systems of the organisation after investigators found malware on many of the 9,000 pages they accessed.

“Our analysis confirmed that many of the pornographic images were subsequently saved to an unauthorised USB device and personal Android cell phone,” the report explained.

As a result of the incident, the US Office of the Inspector General has recommended that the USGS blacklist “rogue” websites.

As well as wrecking the USGS network, it seems the unfortunate employee got his own phone infected also.

That seems fair at least.

News of the case was picked up by the TechCrunch website. They confirmed that the Earth Resources Observation and Science Center (Eros) does not maintain any classified networks, which is at least something positive.

The site also reported that the malware in question was designed to steal data from infected computers, and was associated with Ransomware attacks.

This is the huge problems with downloading porn. So many of these files are packed full of malware which you really don’t need on your system, be it home or work.

Like many employers, USGS say their employees are advised not to connect USB devices or mobile phones to government computers. However, the USB ports are not blocked, which means it can happen, with results such as these.

No Need To Risk It

Seriously folks, when your bosses say ‘don’t watch porn or download it on our systems’ they aren’t joking. The internet is full of fun things, and the porn revolution is just one of them. Gone are the days where you had to worry about buying mags from the local corner shop, with the associated excruciating embarrassment. However, with the ease of access comes associated dangers, as you risk killing your computer systems, and even becoming a huge security breach. There are people out there who really want to do you, or your employer harm (who will then in turn harm you).

Just watch porn at home and on sites like Pornhub where you can just click the video and then find it again next time you visit. If you HAVE to download the porn you are watching, then I may question what exactly you are viewing, if you know what I mean.

The accessibility of porn means that risking things happening to your computer is just unnecessary. Be sensible and you get to enjoy yourself, without causing a disaster in the process.

Martin Ward
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