50% of Male Pensioners Left Frustrated After Being Refused Sex By Woman in Their Life

Here at Escort Ireland well know that there are many types of people who see escorts. There are the young lads who have hormones rushing through their body like Usain Bolt on steroids. We have middle aged guys who maybe want a bit of variety in their lives. Then there are older men who maybe aren’t as getting as much action as they used to.

Upset pensioners in bed

We always presumed that older guys used escorts because of this, but we never realised just how stressed out they were about a lack of sex until we say this new study.

It seems that half of male pensioners are frustrated because their wives and girlfriends have given up on sex.

The figures produced by ComRes show that one in six over-70s say they have sex a few times or more a month. However, that number is dwarfed by those not having it at all.

Almost half of the men told the BBC Radio 5 Live survey that they wished that they had more sex than they currently do. However, when you look at women, the figures are startlingly different.

Fascinating Figures

Only 21 per cent of women aged over 60 say this is the case, compared with 61 per cent of men.

Half of men want more sex but can’t because the woman is having none of it.

Sex is also more important to older men than it is to women. 42 per cent of men say it’s a significant part of their lives, compared to 16 per cent of women.

This has all come as a bit of a surprise to Corinne Sweet, a sex therapist who works mainly with older clients. She believes that women are less likely to lose their sex drive.

“Women are more like Duracell bunnies when it comes to sex, they tend to keep going for longer,” she said.

A more thorough survey of 1,330 over-60s also showed that one in ten have sex once a week, and 35% never have it at all. This either means that we have 35% of couples have no wish to have sex, or someone in that relationship is putting a block on it.

Earlier this year a study by Coventry University suggested that regular sex could help the over-50s stay mentally sharp. That is much more fun that using brain training games isn’t it? No matter what the reasons for the lack of sex, they aren’t doing themselves any favours, it has to be said.

Try and Fix The Situation

No-one should ever be forced into having sex if they don’t want to. However, communication is the key. If people have a problem they should discuss it and find out what the problem is. It may not even be a lack of sex drive, or should I say, there could be something affecting the sex drive, like stresses or illness. However, if people just accept the status quo, they may never get to the bottom of it and the relationship will be unfulfilling

It does go to show how important escorts are though. If guys are that miserable because their lives have become sexless, they at least have an outlet for their needs.

So to all the male pensioners out there who find they are struggling, try and talk to your partner and see if there is anything that you can both do to light the fires again. And if there isn’t anything you can do, then you know which website you can find the best ladies!

Martin Ward
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