GFE and Romance – An Interview With Aoife Bloom

After publishing interviews with intense dominatrixes and sporty escorts on this blog, I realised that you guys love reading about courtesans discussing their lives with me. Initially, I wanted to find escorts to talk to me about any Valentine’s Day experiences that they’ve had with their clients, until I bumped into Aoife Bloom on my Twitter.

Aoife Bloom

She didn’t have any Valentine’s Day dates with her clients, but she did tell me that she often gets a lot of people requesting GFE encounters with her. One of the reasons I love Twitter is because it’s easy for me to get in contact with gorgeous courtesans that advertise their services on the platform. Judging from my current profile, I’m quite active on it, so the ladies know that I’m not a phoney spam bot.

For those that want a bit of a backstory on Aoife, she’s a bisexual trans woman that has been an escort for a couple of years, and she is an avid supporter of SWAI Ireland (Sex Workers Alliance Ireland). We exchanged a couple of direct messages and emails until I came up with the perfect set of questions that I could ask about her GFE service, her life as an escort, and how she got into the business.

I know how many guys on Escort-Ireland love indulging in the GFE service, so sit back, grab yourself a cup of Lyon’s tea, and imagine what having a meeting with Aoife Bloom would be like.

“Tell me your story of how you got into escorting.”

Two years ago, I had a period of illness that made it difficult to work in regular jobs.

I was having trouble with my energy levels, and I was trying to keep regular hours; I was feeling fatigued a lot. So, I decided to get into escorting because it’s much more flexible than most jobs.

It allowed me to choose my own hours, to work when I was able to, and to do it when it suited me, but also take time out when I needed it. I love being my own boss because it’s less stressful than my previous jobs, and it gives me a lot of confidence and independence!

“Did you have any other occupations before you became an escort?”

I’ve worked in retail/customer service-type jobs a lot beforehand.

I think that the experience was very helpful for me when I went into escorting because there are a lot of similarities between the two occupations in some ways. I’m naturally a friendly, warm person, which is a really important factor to have in both the types of work.

“On Twitter, you said that GFE is the focus of most of your appointments, are there any other services that you provide to your clients that are also quite romantic?”

I guess I see GFE tied to a lot of other things like massage, French kissing and cuddling. They’re all part of GFE for me, so, I wouldn’t necessarily even see them as separate services.

They’re all things that I love to experience with a client because I know that I’m going to have a warm, satisfied glow after I’ve had a great time with someone. It’s kind of hard to describe it, but it feels so rewarding to share that kind of experience with someone.

“What would normally happen during a GFE meeting?”

For me, GFE always has to begin by making sure that the other person is feeling relaxed and comfortable with me. A lot of my clients would be seeing an escort for the first time, or maybe I’d be the first trans girl they’d be with.

At the beginning, they may feel nervous, but to really enjoy yourself, you have to feel comfortable [with me]. So, I always like to chat [with them] a little bit, have a little drink, get know them, and find out what they’d like to do. This is something I’ve had a lot of people comment on, that I’m very good at helping them relax and feel at ease.

Also, I love French kissing, so I always like to start off with lots of that and let my hands explore at the same time! I love the feeling of someone’s hands on me as well, it really turns me on, but it can be really romantic to feel someone else undressing me, caressing me, or holding me.

I can be a bit of a tease, though, as well so running my hands over someone’s body is a lot of fun! I like to give a massage as well, either earlier on to help someone relax if they’re feeling nervous, or maybe after we’ve had sex while we just chat and enjoy each others company.

I love to cuddle sometimes after sex as well, when you’re full of endorphin, feeling romantic and very affectionate!

“Back to GFE, can you tell us about some of your most romantic meetings you’ve experienced?”

I think the most romantic GFE experiences I’ve had were the ones where the client and I just ‘clicked’, because we were both in a relaxed frame of mind, we chatted a little bit beforehand, and had good chemistry. Most importantly, we respected each other and wanted to give each other a really good time!

I can think of a few times I’ve had recently, both with regulars and new clients, where we just took our time and had some slow, sensual fun with each other. I’m a very tactile person, so I love the feeling of someone running their hands over my body slowing, undressing me, or massaging me.

The best girlfriend experiences I’ve had have always involved a lot of french kissing, which I love so much! I had a GFE appointment with a client who was such a gentleman; we spent so much time kissing and it was amazing! That kind of slow, sensual build up usually leads to a great ending too!

“Do you think that any kind escort can provide GFE, or does an escort need to have a romantic appeal to provide a really good GFE service?”

I think any escort can provide a great girlfriend experience, but what’s really important [for any courtesan] is having a warm, friendly, and affectionate approach. That’s something many clients told me I have because, naturally, I’m a very caring, affectionate person. Its why I love giving a romantic, girlfriend experience service I think.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to do if you’re feeling really tired, physically or emotionally. But I think any escort can provide a great girlfriend experience because we all have a romantic, caring side inside ourselves, in one degree or another.

“Back to Twitter, I noticed that you stated that you’re a TV and bisexual, do you receive more requests from male or female clients…or both?”

The vast majority would be cisgender men, but some clients have indicated to me that they are trans as well. They might identify as transvestites and cross-dressers, or as transgender women like myself.

I haven’t had any appointments with cisgender women yet, but I am bisexual, so I’m definitely open to it!

“You’re not active on Escort-Ireland at the moment, how come you’re not touring? The site gets lovey-dovey at this time of year!”

Agh, I know. I’m missing out at the moment! I’ve been very busy with college and other things, so I’ve slowed down on work at the moment.

That’s one of the great things about being an independent escort and my own boss, I can decide my own work schedule. I’m still seeing several regulars that I’ve met through E-I, but I’m hoping to have an ad up again in the next week or two.

“Being in Ireland, do you feel the strain of working as an escort in the country because of its current laws and social stigma? Or does it not bother you that much because there are many organisations in Ireland that fight for sex workers rights?”

To be honest, it does bother me quite a bit. It can be very upsetting to see people debating what is best for you, without actually taking account of your views and opinions.

It’s very disenfranchising and disempowering. It’s very similar to the way some people talk about women and trans people a lot of the time. It’s like being in a room watching two people talking about you, and pretending that you’re not there. Politicians and prohibitionists claim to be trying to help sex workers – talking about us as poor, unfortunate victims – while at the same time, they’re treating us as criminals.

That social stigma adds to the stress of having to be very careful about who I’m talking to about my work. Furthermore, it makes more difficult [for me] to speak out publicly and do advocacy work to get these laws changed. To be honest, I think I feel a lot less strain from Ireland’s laws than many other sex workers because, while I may be trans, I’m still white and Irish, which makes a huge difference because there seems to be a lot of racial profiling in the way the laws are applied in Ireland.

One of the most rewarding, uplifting experiences I’ve ever had has been seeing the amount of solidarity there is within the sex worker community. Like anything in life, it’s not perfect. But in general, I think sex workers have a greater sense of solidarity and community than you find in other walks of life because of the challenges we face.

That’s something I’ll always be so glad I’ve gotten from escorting, and one of the reasons I love being so involved in advocacy work and with organisations like the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland that are fighting for sex workers’ rights.

“Do you still see yourself working as an escort in 5 years time?”

Quite possibly. Escorting would allow me to accomplish a lot of goals that would be a lot easier with a flexible work schedule.

I’d like to travel a lot more, maybe go away for several months at a time backpacking, be more involved in activism and advocacy over the next few years, and explore painting or some other areas of art that I might like to try.

Escorting would give me the freedom and flexibility to achieve those goals, so if those are the things I’m going to do in five years’ time, I’ll probably continue working as an escort. If I do I have a few goals in mind, I’d like to achieve touring internationally to combine work and travel.

“I know you’ve said to me that you haven’t had any Valentine’s Day appointments before, but do you remember what you’ve done on the day last year?”

I couldn’t really remember, so I tried to look up what I had in my calendar for last year. Valentine’s Day was on a Sunday last year, so I think I was probably cuddled up in bed watching Netflix!

If some of you guys can’t wait for Aoife Bloom to get her advert back up on Escort-Ireland, you can always see her on Twitter by going to her profile: @aoifes_soapbox

Zoe Jaspers
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