Four Tips To Get Hard Again Fast After Cumming

It is a question that men have asked for years. How do you get hard again faster after having an orgasm? Being able to have multiple orgasms in a session is fun an as you are able to have more sex, but lets face it, you also look good in front of the woman. In the escort industry it is even more important as a lot of sessions are an hour long, and if you can’t cum twice, you could be using 40 minutes of that time talking about what is going on in the news. But what is the answer? How can you actually reduce what is known medically as the ‘refractory period’?

Woman on top of man in bed

Firstly, your natural gap between orgasm and getting hard again depends a lot on the individual. The younger you are, the shorter it will be. The older you get, the more difficult it will become. Once you are old, it may be impossible.

But there are things you can do to improve it. So here are four ways to decrease your refractory period. I hope it comes in useful for you.

1) Do Aerobic Activity

Exercise is a key to all this. Good cardio helps your body not feel as drained after round one. So do running, biking, and full body circuits. Sprint sessions are fantastic as they get your heart rate up to where it would be during sex.

Keep fit and you will have more chance of round two.

Will Smith doing running man

2) Up Your Vitamin D

Vitamin D is vital for testosterone production. Make sure you get some sunlight, drink milk, and even take vitamin D supplements. The more testosterone you have the better, so get to work.

man sunbathing

3) Do Heavy Workouts

In keeping with the idea of getting that testosterone level up, do some heavy lifting. Squats, dead lifts, bench pressing, they are all great to make you strong and getting the juices flowing.

Obviously be careful not to go up the weights too fast, or the only thing you will be doing is injuring yourself. You want to be in bed having sex, not fixing your back!

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4) Make Sure You Get Rest

If you are tired, then you really do decrease the chances of being able to get hard again. If you are knackered, it leads to increases in cortisol, your stress hormone, and decreases in testosterone, your sex hormone. You don’t need to be a doctor to work out that more bad hormone and less good hormone is a bad thing.

Jiminy Crickey going to sleep

So there we go. There is no magic wand, especially as you get older, but there are things you can do which boost your chances of getting it up again.

Good luck!

Martin Ward
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