Five Things Escorts Need To Consider Before Having a Boob Job

In the escort industry there are a variety of women you will find. Old, young, tall, short, different hair colours, all different combinations. One major difference between escorts is whether they have enhanced breasts or not. It has to be said, there are many men who favour each option, so it is a matter of taste. However, as most escorts have natural breasts, there are many of them who consider getting a boob job so to set themselves apart from the crowd.

Woman with boob job giving OK sign

Now there will obviously be financial considerations when working out whether or how they should get one done. Still, there are other things they need to think about also.

So, without much further ado, here are five things escorts, or any other woman for that matter, need to consider before going under surgery. Here goes!

1) Bigger is Not Better

In recent years, women are now moving away from ‘Baywatch Boobs’ to more subtle approach.

The trend now is to be discreet,” says cosmetic surgeon Marc Pacifico. “One of the most common requests I get is, ‘I don’t want to wear a padded bra any more, but I don’t want anybody to notice anything different.’”

Opting for smaller implants has other advantages besides being fashionable.

“The larger the implant, the more potential there is for it to have issues, such as rippling, seeing the outline and having a stuck-on look,” adds Marc. “There’s the weight too: a 500cc implant weighs about half a kilo and that can have negative consequences, such as sagging and skin stretching.”

2) There is No Quality Stamp on a Surgeon’s Quality

As an absolute minimum, your surgeon should be on the specialist register for plastic surgery (

However, surgeons with a particular interest in elective cosmetic surgery often join the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. This would make them differ from trauma specialists who fix you up after something like a car crash.

“It’s like the Corgi stamp of our profession, but it doesn’t mean every BAAPS surgeon is going to be the king of what you’re looking for,” says cosmetic surgeon and BAAPs member Patrick Mallucci. “Breast surgery is an apprentice-like trade: you start out helping one boss, you watch what he does, and if he’s always done it one way it’s likely you will too.”

There is no marking process to show how good a surgeon’s work is, so it is a case of looking at his or her’s work and seeing if you think it is up to scratch.

3) Disregard ‘Before and After’ Pics

These pictures won’t help you unless your ‘before’ pictures are exactly like the ones in the photos. According to Marc.

“You can probably disregard about 90% of pictures on the internet, because they won’t be relevant to you. It’s not just a case of picking a pair of breasts off a shelf and saying, “I want those”.

“The result you can achieve is dictated by what you have in the first place, and there are so many variables in a woman’s anatomy, such as the footprint of the breast, the gap between breasts, and the size of the rib cage.”

4) There is No ‘Natural Look’ Implant

There’s a lot of marketing hype regarding round implants versus the more traditional teardrop shape, saying round makes a more natural look. However, this isn’t true.

“There is incredibly good evidence that there is no correlation between the shape of the implant and the naturalness of the result,” says Marc. “A teardrop doesn’t guarantee a natural result, and round doesn’t guarantee a fake-looking result.

“It’s all to do with making the right choice for the breast. Personally, I use round implants more.

“A teardrop implant is useful in some women, because there are options to vary the width and height. So for instance in a woman whose natural breast has a short height but wide base, a teardrop implant can be a better match.”

5) Implants Don’t Last Forever

You are going to have to think about removing or replacing them in the future, sadly as in the words of Echo and The Bunneymen, ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’

“Implants need to be changed every 10 years or so,” says Ash. By that point there’s more chance of the implant hardening, or the shell of the implant rupturing.

“Ruptures aren’t a health concern, as long as the silicone is medical grade (unlike the industrial silicone used illegally in PIP implants), as the scar tissue around the implant keeps it contained,” reassures Marc Pacifico.

Importantly, ruptures aren’t immediately visible, so it is recommended that you get your implants checked every 10 years.

So there we go. It is of course up to the individual as to whether they have a boob job or not, but these are the things you need to take into account during the decision making process.

Martin Ward
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